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NOTE: WURTS' MAGNA CHARTA, pp. 158-168 inclusive, gives sixty nine Generations of lineal descent from No. 1, Edward the
Great, (Aedd Mawr) to No. 69, Geoffrey Plantagenet. This also shows Geoffrey's descent from the FRANKISH KINGS, Nos.
1, to and including 35; also his descent from No. (b) (HELI) Beli the Great through LUD, through TUANTIUS, through CYNVELIN
(CYMBELINE), through AVIRAGUS, through MERIC (MARIUS), through EURGEN, through GLADYS, wife of No. 39, (LLEUVER MAWR) LUCIUS
THE GREAT. And page 168 Wurt's Magna Charta shows that both Geoffrey Plantagenet and his wife, Matilda, or Maud, of England,
were descendants of WILLIAM THE CONQUEROR, who as above stated, was descended from CHARLEMAGNE.
Descent from CHARLEMAGNE
to MATILDA, or Maud, of England, wife of GEOFFREY PLANTAGENET;
(1) CHARLEMAGNE and wife, Hildegarde had a son; (2)
PEPIN, born 776, died 8 July 810, before his father. He was crowned by the Pope in 781, King of Lombardy and Italy, married
Bertha, daughter of William, Count of Toulouse, his son; (3) BERNHARD, King of Lombardy, succeeded his father about the year
812, he was deposed by his Uncle Louis, blinded and put to death. By his wife Cunegonde, he had a son; (4) PEPIN, who was
deprived of the throne by his Uncle Louis, Emperor, called the Debonair, and received a part of Vermandois and the Seignouries
of St. Quentin and Peronne. His son; (5) PEPIN, Pepin de Senlis de Valois, Count Berengarius, of Bretagne, who was living
in 893, the father of (6) LADY POPPA, (puppet or doll), who became the first wife of ROLLO the DANE, first Duke of Normandy.
Their son; (7) WILLIAM LONGSWORD, was father of (8) RICHARD the FEARLESS, father of; (9) RICHARD II, "the Good", whose son;
(10) ROBERT "THE DEVIL", sixth Duke of Normandy, who, by Herleve de falaise, daughter of the Tanner, Fulbert de Falaise, had
a son; (11) WILLIAM THE CONQUEROR, born at Falaise in 1027, father of HENRY I, KING of ENGLAND, WHO WAS THE LAST OF THE NORMANKINGS.
(Magna Charta 178, 182, 183)
(Gen. No. 127) KING HENRY II of ENGLAND, son of Matilda, or Maud, of England and her husband,
Geoffrey Plantagenet, was born at Le Mans, 25 March 1133 and died at Chinon, 6 July 1189. In 1152 he married Eleanor of Aquitaine,
former wife of Louis VII, of France, and daughter of William, Duke of Aquitaine. She survived King Henry nearly three years,
dying 26 June 1202. Both were buried at Fontrevaud in Anjou. Their daughter Elennor married Alphonse IX, King of Castile;
their eldest son William, died at the age of four years, their second son, Henry, born 28 Feb. 1155, who on 15 July 1170,
by command of his father, was crowned King of England, but died before his father, 11 July 1183, their third son, Richard
the Lion Hearted, reigned as King of England from 1189 to 1199. He was the most prominent leader on the Third Crusade to regain
Jerusalem for the Christians from the Mohammedans. He had greater military genius, but less statesmanship than his father;
was fickle, but warmhearted. His great power was in his physical and mental capacity as a soldier, and in his strenuous and
irrepressible courage. Richard was proud, cruel and treacherous. He left the goverment of England in the hands of his Justiciars,
and was in his English Kingdom but twice in his reign of ten years; four months at the time of his coronation, and two months,
five years later. The Third Crusade was a failure. Richard fell out with the French King, and refused to marry his sister
Alice, to whom he had been betrothed since early childhood, but on 12 May 1191, he married Perengaria of Navarre. HE
DIED WITHOUT ISSUE. The fourth son of Henry II, Geoffrey, had a son Arthur, who was murdered in 1203, leaving as successor
to the throne of England; (*See Note Below)
(Gen. No. 128) KING JOHN, LACKLAND, the fifth son of Henry II and Eleanor
of Aquitaine, born at Oxford, 24 Dec. 1166, died at Newark Castle, Notts, 19 Oct. 1216, married, first on 29 August 1189,
Isabel, daughter of William, Earl of Gloucester; married, second, in 1200, Isabel, daughter of Aymer de Taillefer, the Swordsmith.
She was the mother of all his children. John S. Wurts, in his Magna Charta, pages 6 to 17, inclusive.
Page 6; "In case
we have forgotten our English History, let us be reminded that King John was a horrid person, an arbitrary and mercenary ruler,
who threw people into dungeons at the drop of a hat; married off wards of the crown, young widows and pretty girls, to foreign
adventurers and then collected a nice percentage of the ward's fortunes from their husbands....... he greatly increased the
royal taxes and replenished his exchequer with the confiscated property of the clergy.
Shortly after he became King,
he quarreled with the Pope, who deposed him and proclaimed him no longer King. John ignored the deposing, and made a gift
to the Pope of all the realm, crown and revenue, by written indenture, dated Monday, 13 May 1213. John then received the crown
back as the Pope's tenant and vassal, at a rental of a thousand marks for the whole kingdom, 700 for England and 300 for Ireland.
this condition the Barons of England were only yeoman, or free-holders, or copy-holders of King John, the free- holder of
the Pope, and tiring of John's tyranny, they called a conference, and one, after King John had left the Abbey at Saint-Edmundsbury
(where he had been asked to attend the conference, which had been called by Stephen Langston, Archbishop of Canterbury), at
which meeting nothing was accomplished, the barons took a solemn oath on the high altar, that they would stand united until
they could compel the King to confirm their liberties, or they would wage war against him to the death.
They did wage
war, "a holy crusade against John to recover the liberties their forefathers had enjoyed". Virtually powerless, and with nearly
his whole Baronage and the majority of his subjects of all degrees in arms against him, he finally called his Barons to a
conference. They said, "let the day by the 15th of June and the place Runnemede". (which is in sight of Windsor Castle, and
was used as "the field of council").
In this way was brought about the GREATEST EVENT OF KING JOHN'S REIGN, the veritable
wresting from him of MAGNA CHARTA, granting rights to the people of his realm, "an expression in written words of the principles
of human life", which had been either grossly neglected or altogether forgotten by the King.
Section 61 of the Chart
authorized the election of twenty five Surety Barons, who would see that the previsions of the Charter were carried into effect.
Their names are not recorded in the Magna Charta, "but we learn them from Matthew Paris' "Chronilca Majora"."
Barons were astonishingly inter-related. Among them were several instances of father and son, of father-in-law and son-in-law,
of brothers and cousins. Twenty of the twenty five were related in the degree of second cousin, or nearer. Of these twenty
five, only seventeen have descendants surviving to the present day. They had a common descent from Charlemagne.
the 15th day of June, 1215, more than two thousand Knights and Barons were encamped on the field of Runnemede to await the
coming of King John and secure from him the rights of the people of England, although John had previously sworn by "God's
teeth", his favorite oath, that he would never agree to such demands or any part of them.
(Runnemede was the "ancient
meadow of council", and is within sight of Windsor Castle. For ages, this had been crownland and rented for pasturage. When
it was proposed a few years ago ((from Crown Edition of Magna Charta, Reprint 1945)), to sell the field of Runnemede to the
highest bidder, a great outcry arose. (The former Cara Rogers, now Lady Fairhaven, an American girl, a member of the Magna
Charta Dames, bought and presented to the British people the field of Runnemede, as a memorial to her husband, to be kept
for all time as a sacred, historic spot.)
On 15 June 1215, before the day passed, the King affixed his seal to the
original, but preliminary draft known as the "Articles of the Barons", which contained forty nine articles, setting forth
the principles of the Charter. The exact terms of the Charter were decided upon during the four days that followed. On the
19th of June 1215, the great seal was affixed, presumably to twenty five duplicate copies, perhaps one for each of the twenty
five Surety Barons, who were to see that King John kept his promises.
Neither the King, the Barons, nor the Knights
could read or write, except a few, but a scholar, who was the Secretary of the Baron of Kendal, had accompanied him to Runnemede.
(1) Charlemagne: (2) Louis I, the Debonaire,
Roman Emperor from 814 to 840; (3) Louis of Germany, born 806, died 876, married Emma; (4) Carloman, died 880, married Litwindia,
of Corinthia; (5) Arnulph, died 899, married Oda, of Bavaria; (6) Edith of Germany, married Otto, Duke of Saxony, died 912;
(7) Henry I, the Fowler, born 876, died 936, married Matilda of Ringleheim; (8) Hedwige, Married Hugh, Duke of France, who
died 956; (9) Hugh Capet, King of France, born 938, died 996, married Adela, daughter of Otto I; (10) Robert, The Pious, born
971, died 1031, married Constance, daughter of William, Count of Toulouse, his son; (11) Henry I, King of France, born about
1005, died 1060, married, third, Anne of Russia, daughter of Jarouslous and grand-daughter of Vladimir, first Czar of Russia,
their son; (12) Philip I. King of France from 1060 to 1108. By his first wife, Bertha, daughter of Florent I, Count of Holland,
he had; (13) Louis VI, King of France, born 1081, died 1137, married in 1115 to Alice of Savoy, daughter of Count Hubert II,
his son; (14) Peter, Prince of France, Lord of Courtenay and Auxerre, fifth son of Louis VII, who married Reginald, Lord of
Courtenay, his daughter; (15) Alice, Married Aymer de Taillefer, who, as above said, had a daughter, Isabel, who married King
John of England. (Genealogy of Isabel de Taillefer, Magna Charta, pp. 167, 184, 185, 186, 187) KING JOHN'S eldest son was;
No. 129) HENRY III, KING OF ENGLAND, born 1 Oct. 1207, at Winchester, died 16 Nov. 1272, at St. Edmundsbury, and was buried
at Westminster Abbey. He was crowned king 28 Oct. 1216, when only nine years of age. On 14 January 1236, he married Eleanor
of Provence, whose descent from CLOVIS, King of the Franks, and from King Sancho III, of Navarre, is as follows;
(1) CLOVIS, King of the Franks, married Clothilde, his son; (2) Clothaire I, born 497,
died 561, married Ingolde, their son; (3) Chilperice I, born 523, died 584, married Fredegonde, born 543, died 598, his
son; (4) Clothaire II, born 584, died 628, married Bertrude, who died 618, his son; (5) Claribert II, born 608, died
631, married Gisela, daughter of Arnoud, of Gascony, his son; (6) Boggis, Duke of Aquitaine, died 688, married Oda, his
son; (7) Eudes, Duke of Aquitaine, married Valtrude, daughter of Valtrude and her husband, Walchigise, Count of verdon,
son of St. Arnolph, Bishop of Metz and his wife, Dodo, his son; (8) Hunold, Duke of Aquitaine, died 774, his son; (9)
Waifir, Duke of Aquitaine, died 768, married his cousin, Adele, daughter of Loup I, Duke of Gascony, his son; (10) Loup II,
Duke of Gascony, died 778, his son; (11) Adelrico, Duke of Gascony, died 812, his son; (12) Ximeno, Duke of Gascony,
died 816, married Munia, his son; (13) Inigo Arista, first King of Navarre married Iniga Ximena, his son; (14) Careia
II, of Navarre, married Urracca of Gascony, daughter of a cousin, Sancho II, his son; (15) Sancho I, became King of Navarre
in 905, married his cousin Toda, daughter of Aznzr Galindez, Count of Aragon, his son; (16) Garcia III, became king in
921, died 970, married Teresa Iniquez of Aragon, and had (17) Sancho II Abarca, died 994, married Urracca Clara, daughter
of Fortuna Ximenez, of Navarre, his second cousin, his son; (18) Garcia V, King of Navarre, died 999, married Ximena,
daughter of Consslo, Count of Asturias and his wife, Teresa. They were the parents of the earlier of the two kings, both called
Sancho III, this one; (19) Sancho III King of Navarre from 1000 to 1035, married Munia, daughter of Sancho of Castile, and
thus united the two important Houses of Castile and Navarre, to which that of Aragon was later added, his son; (20) Ramirez
I, founded the kingdom of Aragon, was killed in battle by the Moors 8 May 1063. By his wife Gisberge, he had; (21) Sancho-Ramirez,
died 4 June 1094, King of Aragon, married, first, Felice, who died 14 April 1086, daughter of Hildouin, Count of Rouci, his
son; (22) Ramirez II, King of Aragon, married Agnes, daughter of William IX, Duke of Aquitaine. His daughter; (23) Petronella
was only two years old when her father abdicated the throne in her favor. He had arranged that Raymund Berenger V, Count of
Barcelona, should govern the realm as Prince of Aragon, and that he should, at the proper time, marry Petronella. This was
accomplished in accordance with his wish. Petronella died 18 October 1172, their son; (24) Alphonse II, King of Aragon, born
1151, died 25 April 1196, married his cousin Sanchia, who was descended as follows;
KING SANCHO III (Navarre) and his
wife Munia, as stated above, were the parents of (1) Ferdinand I, King of Castile from 1033 to 1065, died in battle 27 Dec.
1065. In 1035, he married Sanchia, daughter of Alphonso V, King of Leon, and thus united the latter kingdom to his own; (2)
Alphonso VI, King of Castile and Leon, married a daughter of Robert, Duke of Burgundy, his daughter; (3) Urracca, married
first, Raimond of burgundy, who died in 1108, after which, Urracca married Alphonso I, King of Aragon. Her only child, son
of Raimond, was; (4) Alphonso-Raimond VII, born 1103, died 1157. By his first wife, Berenguela, he had two sons, Sancho III
(or Alphonso), and Ferdinand II, King of Leon, died 1188. By his second wife, Richilda of Poland, he had; (5) Sanchia, wife
of Alphonso II, King of Aragon, as stated above. Her son; (6) Alphonso II, King of Provence, who reigned from 1196 to 1209,
his son; (7) Raimond-Berenger IV, King of Provence, married Beatrice (Beatrix), daughter of Thomas, Count of Savoy, his daughter;
(8) ELEANOR OF PROVENCE, became the wife of HENRY III KING OF ENGLAND as stated above.
After the death of Henry III,
King of England, Queen Eleanor took the veil at Ambresbury in Wiltshire, and died there 24 June 1291. Their elder sons, John
and Henry died young. Their third son;
(Gen. No. 130) EDWARD I, KING OF ENGLAND, (called Longshanks), Earl of Chester,
born at Westminster 17 June 1239, married Eleanor of Castile. In 1272 he went on a Crusade as far as Acre, where his daughter
JOAN (see later) was born, and although he inherited the crown that year, he did not return to England until 1274, being crowned
on August 19th. He was eminent as a ruler and as a legislator, and succeeded in enacting many new laws. He determined to authorize
no new legislation without the counsel and acquiescence of those who were most affected by it. Not until late in his reign
did he call a whole Parliament together. Instead he called the Barons together in any matter that affected the Barons, and
the representatives of the townsmen together in any matter that affected the townsmen, and so with other classes. Edward's
first wife,
ELEANOR OF CASTILE, whom he married in 1254, died 20 Nov.
his first wife, Berenguela, (daughter of Raimund IV of Barcelona and his wife Marie) had; (2) Ferdinand II, King of Leon from
1157 until 1188, in 160 married Urracca, daughter of Alphonse I, King of Portugal and Maud of Savoy. Urracca died in 1176
and they had the younger (3) Alphonse IX (Berengarin's husband), King of Leon, born 1166, died 1229. By his second wife,
Berengaria, daughter of Alphonso IX, King of Castile and his wife, Eleanor, sister of King John and daughter of Henry II,
King of England and his wife, Eleanor of Aquitaine, Alphonso IX had a son; (4) Ferdinand III, born 1191, in whose favor
his mother abdicated the throne of Castile in 1217. At his father's death, twelve years later, he became King of Leon, by
his second wife, Joanna, daughter of Simon de Dammartin, Count d'Amale and his wife, Marie, Countess of Fonthieu, Ferdinand
III had a daughter; (5) ELEANOR OR CASTILE, who as above stated, became the wife of EDWARD I, KING OF ENGLAND. (It was
King Edward I, who first conferred the title of Prince of Wales, thus designating his fourth son Edward, who later became
Edward II of England.)
The children of Edward I and his first wife, Eleanor of Castile were (a) John, died young; (b)
Henry, died young; (c) Alphonso, Earl of Chester, born 24 November 1273, died 19 August 1284; (d) Edward, born 25 April 1284,
became King Edward II; (e) Eleanor, married to Alphonso, King of Aragon, and second, to Henri, Count de Bar; (f) Joan of Acre,
born in 1272, married first, to Gilbert de Clare, and second to Ralph de Monthermer (see later); (g) Margaret, married 9 July
1290, John Duke of Lorraine; (h) Mary, became a nun; (i) Elizabeth, born August 1282, married, first to John, Count of Holland,
and second, to Humphrey de Pohun. The second daughter of King Edward I and his wife Eleanor of Castile, was as stated above;
No. 131) PRINCESS JOAN OF ACRE, born in 1272, when her father, King Edward I went on a crusade as far as Acre, where she was
born. In 1290, Joan married, as his second wife, Earl Gilbert de Clare, The "Red Earl", Crusader, Knight, ninth Earl of Clare,
Earl of Hertford and Cloucester, born 2 September 1243, died 7 December 1295. The "Red Earl" was descended from four of the
twenty-five Magna Charta Surety Barons chosen by the Barons and Knights of England as Sureties to enforce the provisions laid
down in the "Articles of the Barons", (the forerunner of Magna Charta,) which contained the first constitutional rights ever
granted the subjects of a monarch. (No one signed Magna Charta, as neither King John nor the Barons could write, and at common
law, sealing was sufficient to authenticate any formal document.)
(IMPORTANT NOTE: In this script the names of the
Surety Barons are indicated by three small stars, or asterisks, as below:) the four Magna Charta Surety Baron ancestors of
Gilbert de Clare, the "Red Earl", who married Princess Joan Plantagener, were;
***JOHN DE LACIE, Surety,
the relationship as set forth below; ***Richard de Clare, Magna Charta Surety Baron,
Earl of
Hertford, died 1217, married Amicia Muellent. Their son,
***Gilbert de Clare, Magna Charta Surety Baron, Earl of
Gloucester, (1180-1230), married Isabella Marshall, daughter of WILLIAM MARSHALL, Earl of Pembroke, the MARSHALL and PROTECTOR
of England (1146-1219), Their son; Richard de Clare, Earl of Gloucester and Hertford, born 4 August 1222, (through his mother,
Isabella Marshall, he inherited a fifth part of the MARSHALL estates, including, Kilkenny and other lordships in Ireland),
married, second, MAUD DE LACIE, daughter of;
***JOHN de LACIE, Magna Charta Surety Baron, Earl of Loncoln, (1192-1240)
and his wife Margaret Quincey, who died 1266, having been the daughter of Robert de Quincey, (died 1217), the son of;
de QUINCEY, Magna Charta Surety Baron, born before 1154, created Earl of Winchester, 2 March 1207. (To him is credited the
re-writing of Magna Charta from the Charter of King Henry I and the Saxon code. In 1218, ***Saire de Quincey, the Surety,
went with the Earls of Chester and Arundel to the Holy Land; assisted at the Siege of Damietta in 1219 and died November 3rd,
in the same year, on the way to Jerusalem. His wife, Margaret, was daughter of Robert de Bellomont, (or Beaumont) and his
wife Petronella Grantesmesnil, and was descended from the EMPEROR CHARLEMAGNE. (Magna Charta pp. 185)
The daughter
of Princess Joan of Acre and Gilbert de Clare, the "Red Earl", was;
(Gen. No. 132) LADY MARGARET DE CLARE, (1292-1342),
married, first, Piers de Caveston, who was executed, married, second, Lord Hugh de Audley, Junior, Eight Earl of Gloucester
in 1336, Ambassador to France in 1341, Sheriff of Rutland; died on 10 November 1347. By Lady Margaret's second husband, Hugh
Audley, she had a daughter.
(Gen. No. 133) LADY MARGARET DE AUDLEY, (died 1349), who married, as her first wife, Sir Ralph de Stafford, one of the
original Twenty Five Knights of the Garter and who was one of the most esteemed of Edward's commanders, distinguishing himself
in the Wars in Ireland and in France, died 31 August 1372, and was buried in the Priory of Tunbridge, beside his wife Margaret
and at the feet of her father and mother, Hugh Audley and Margaret Clare. (Magna Charta pp. 227, which page depicts the Arms
of Sir Ralph de Stafford with the description, (("Or, a Chevron gules")),)
The son of Lady Margaret de Audley and her husband, Ralph de Stafford, was;
K. G., second Earl of Stafford, (1344-1386), married Lady Philippa de Beauchamp, daughter of Sir Thomas de Beauchamp, Earl
of Warwick, (1313- 1369), who was one of the original Twenty-Five Knights of the Garter (and the son of Guy de Beauchamp and
Alice Toni), Sir Thomas distinguishing himself at Poiters, was constituted Marshall of England. (His brother, John Beauchamp,
was also one of the original Twenty-Five Knights of the Garter.) Thomas de Beauchamp died of the plague at Calais 13 Nov.
1369. He and his wife, Catherine Mortzmer, are both buried in a splendid tomb at Warwick, where, their effigies may still
be seen. (Magna Charta pp 225, which page depicts his Arms; "Gules, a fess between six cross crosslets, or".)
Philippa de Beauchamp, wife of Sir Hugh de Stafford, was the descendant of three Magna Charta Surety Barons, namely;
***(c) SIR HENRY DE BOHUNM, as set forth below;
(1) Lord Roger Bigod, (died 1107), who in the time of
William the Conqueror, possessed six Lordships in Essex and 117 in Suffolk, married Adelize, daughter of Hugh Grentesmesnil,
Hugh Steward of England. Their son; (2) Lord Hugh Bigod, born about 1095, died 1176/77, also Steward to King Henry, died
1177, after making a trip to the Holy Land, married Juliana Vere, daughter of Alberic de Vere, their son, (a) above; ***ROGER
BIGOD, Magna Charta Surety, second Earl of Norfolk and Suffolk, Keeper of Hereford Castle, born about 1150, died before, August
1221, married, as his first wife, Isabella Plantagenet Warren, daughter of Hameline Plantagenet, Earl of Warren, (son of GEOFFREY
PLANTAGENET) and Hamelyn's wife, Isabel de Warren,
***SURETY ROGER BIGOD'S wife Isabel de Warren, was descended from
the Earls of Surrey and Warren, as follows;
(1) WILLIAM DE WARREN, who came from Normandy and who was called a mear
kinsman of William the Conqueror, received large grants of land in recognition of the distinguished part he took in the Battle
of Hastings, King William Rufus making him Earl of Surrey. He married Gundred (according to the chroniclers, a daughter of
William the Conqueror) and had; (2) WILLIAM DE WARREN, second Earl of Warren and Surrey, who married Isabel de Bermandois,
Their son; (3) WILLIAM DE WARREN, third Earl of Surrey, who, in 1147, assumed the Cross and accompanied Louis, of France to
the Holy Land against the Saracens. There he fell in battle, or died in captivity. He married Adela, daughter of William de
Talvace, son of Robert of Belesme, Earl of Shrewsbury, and by her had a daughter, Isabel de Warren, who, as aforesaid, married
Hamelyn Plantagent, and had a daughter, Isabel Plantagener de Warren, who married ***ROGER BIGOD, the SURETY. (Magna Charta,
pp. 43, 44, 205.) Their son; (b) above,
***HUGH BIGOD, Magna Charta Surety, born before 1195, married Maud Marshall,
daughter of William Marshall, the famous LORD PEMBROKE, REGENT and PROTECTOR of the Kingdom (1153-1219), Constable of Chichester
Castle. (The aforesaid Maud Marshall, wife of ***SURETY HUGH BIGOD was a sister to Isabella Marshall, who married ***SURETY
GILBERT DE CLARE.) (Magna Charta pp. 46, 47.) (For WILLIAM MARSHALL, Regent and Protector of England, Wurts' Magna Charta,
pp. 102 and 103.) The descent of Lady Phillippa de Beauchamp, wife of Sir Hugh de Stafford, from ***HENRY DE BOHUN, MAGNA
CHARTA SURETY, (c) above, is as follows;
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