I. William Womack, according to the Edward Pleasant Valentine papers, lived in Bristol Par. Henrico Co., Va. before 1679.
Name of wife unknown. Records of Henrico Co. show that he had the following children:
a. William died before 1674 m. Jane ___
b. Abraham (Abram) 1645-1735
c. Richard (of whom later) m. Mary, daughter of John and Anne Puckett.
d. Thomas died 1697
e. John 1653-1725 m. Mary _____
f. Jane m. Henry Pew Jr.
2. Richard Womack (1655-1684) son of William Womack of Henrico Co., Va. m. Mary Puckett of Henrico Co., Va. Children:
a. Richard (of whom later) m. Elizabeth Puckett
b. William 1679 m. Susannah
c. Elizabeth 1680 m. Timothy Harris
3. Richard Womack II (1676-1723) son of Richard and Mary (Puckett) Womack, m. Elizabeth, dau. of Richard Puckett (Henrico
Co. Records, pp. 716-717). Two ch. proven by Henrico Co. Va. records: "Package 12; 12-13-1742. Children: a. Alexander m. Martha
b. Richard III (of whom later) m. Ann "Nancy" Childers.
4. Richard Womack III (1710-1790) son of Richard II and Elizabeth Puckett Womack, m. Ann "Nancy" Childers, dau. of Henry
and Lucretia (Jones) Childers. They lived 1st. in Henrico Co., Va.: then Amelia Co., Va.: then Les______ Va., where he patented
2600 acres in 1756. Probably moved from there to N.C.: then ca. 1765 to Ga., near Augusta, where he patented land. (Colonial
Records of Ga. Vol. 9, p 520, 6-6-1766. Vol. 10, p. 478, 1763. Vol. 10 p. 590, 9-17-1768.) Children: a. Abraham m. (1)
Martha Mitchell (2) Martha ______ b. David (of whom later) m. Mildred Pryor c. John m. Lucy (Pryor) Tapley. d. Jesse m. (1)
Dorothy Pryor (not sis. of above) (2) Phoebe e. Patsy m. Jonathan Kemp f. Abner g. Jacob (of Watauga fame)
5. David Womack ( ca. 1747- ) son of Richard III and Ann "Nancy" (Childers) Womack was a Rev. Sol. (N.C. Rev. Army Accts.,
Vol. XI, p. 19, folio 2, Raleigh, N.C.) Children:
a. Richard IV ca. 1765 m. (1)? (2)? in Ga.
b. John 1768 m. Mary Fletcher ?
c. Dorothy Pryor 1710 m. David Mitchell (She was called "Dolly")
d. Robert 1772 m. (1)? (2)? (3)?
e. David Jr. 1774 m. Sarah Ann Norris, Pendleton Dist., S.C. f. William 1776 m. Charity
g. Abner 1778 m. Celin Herrin
h. Jacob Green 1780 m. Nancy Waller
i. Abraham 1782 m. Elizabeth Surton
6. Richard Womack IV, b. ca. 1765, Orange Co., N.C. He was son of David and Mildred (Pryor) Womack-- Went to Georgia where
he married twice. Both names unknown. Purchased land 1809 in St. Helena Par., La., adjoining his brother Col. Abner Womack.
Lived for a time in Simpson Co., Mis. Moved to Texas where he died in Bosque Co. Children: 1st. marriage a. John 1790 b. Mary
1793 m. William Moore 4/11/1817 in St. Helena Parish, La. c. Andrew 1796 m. Elizabeth ... (1830-40 Copiah Co., 1850 Simpson
Co. Ms. d. Richard V 1797 m (1?) (2) Mrs. Emily (Thames) Miller e. David III 1800 m. Mildred Womack, dau. of David & Sarah
(Norris) Womack 2nd marriage f. Abner Pryor 1806 m. (1) Stacy Short (2) Mrs. Tabitha Ferguson
g. Robert 1808 m. Wrizopa Southern
h. Jaacob
i. Abraham
j. William
k. Mildred m. (1) James Foster (2) McLeland l. Sally m. ....Nichols m. Daniel m. (1) Cynthia Ann Gibson
(2) Thankful Caroline (3) Sibba Tullos
One of the World's many million descendants of Adam and Eve takes a long look at her forebears through the eyes of John
S. Wurts in his Magna Charta, (and his more than one hundred Books and Articles of Bibliographic Reference) and Dempsey Monroe
Kemp, the well-known Genealogical authority, of Greensbury, Louisiana, in his many unpublished Manuscripts of research. (Some
of this research goes farther back than the data quoted by Magna Charta.) Ina Womack Jones, (Mrs. Will C. Jones, Jr.,) 4221
Livingston Street, Dallas Texas, and Nora Weathersby Smith, (Mrs. George F. Smith), 1021 Bellevue Place, Jackson, Mississippi,
worked untiringly on descendants of David Womack, (War of 1812), and his wife, the former Sarah Norris: also on the descendants
of Richard Womack, Richard Womack having been a brother of the said David Womack; these two brothers migrating from St. Helena
Parish, Louisiana, to Simpson County, Mississippi. Mrs Will C. Jones, Jr. and her cousin, Mrs. George F. Smith, were fortunate
in locating another Womack descendant, Dempsey Monroe Kemp, Genealogist, of Greensburg, Louisiana, who was a descendant of
Colonel Abner Womack, of St. Helena Parish, Louisiana, another brother of the aforesaid Richard Womack and David Womack, (War
of 1812), Dempsey M. Kemp carrying the ancestral quest back to William the Conqueror, father of King Henry I, of England.
Jessie Womack Moorhead, (Mrs. Hunter L. Moorhead), 5926 Clinton Boulevard, Jackson, Mississippi, having idled on the side
lines, enjoying the fruits of the labor of her cousins, aforesaid, later busied herself with traveling back along the Royal
Highways opened up by John S. Wurts in Magna Charta and his Bibliographic References of more than One Hundred Books and Articles,
which include in their number: John O'Hart, Irish Pedigrees, Dublin, 1892; James Anderson, D. D. Royal Genealogies, London,
1732. Adam Rutherford, Anglo Saxon Israel, is also a Reference in the genealogy of King Malcolm III, of Scotland, (back to
Adam), but seems not to be included in the Bibliography of Magna Charta. Sections of "Irish Pedigrees" and "Royal Genealogies"
take us back farther than does Magna Charta in Volumes I and II. Some of the References carry the Genealogy back through the
Royal Houses of England, Ireland, Scotland, Wales, France, Italy, Spain, Russia and Jerusalem, to the beginning of mankind.
This manuscript has special reference to the descendants of Margaret Bernard, who was a direct descendant of Matilda, (MAUD),
daughter of King Henry I, of England; and MATILDA'S husband, GEOFFREY V. "PLANTAGENET, Count of Anjou, Duke of Normandy; the
aforesaid Margaret Bernard having married CAPTAIN DANIEL GAINES, who came from England to Virginia, "in America", from whom
descends MILDRED PRYOR, wife of DAVID WOMACK, (in Revolutionary War). As this Genealogy has become so voluminous, it is not
feasible to designate the Generations by Roman Numerals, but, instead, the numbers of successive generations are written;
as Generation one; Generation two, and so on, in order that all who are interested in studying this long line of Family History
may easily understand what the compiler has in mind. The long trek back to "The beginning" has been most interesting and rewarding,
and your compiler hopes that the manuscript will be of interest and value to the cousins who are interested in their ancestors.
Jessie Womack Moorhead (Compiler) November, 1961 (Note; GENERATIONS NOS. 148, 149, 150, 151 have reference only to descendants
of RICHARD WOMACK, eldest son of DAVID WOMACK (of Revolutionary War), and his wife, MILDRED PRYOR).
PREFACE We are told by authoritative researchers that most countries of the Old World have legends that connect their favorite
heroes with outstanding figures of earlier times, but that little proof can be furnished; and that the same is also true of
more recent pedigrees. However, your compiler has selected the long genealogy most likely to be true and which happens to
have the greatest number of generations back "to the Beginning", as well as the most plausible explanations and connections;
the genealogy is that of King Malcolm III, Canmore, of Scotland, husband of Margaret of England, and father of Matilda, of
Scotland, who married King Henry I, Beauclerc, of England. From the said genealogy which follows, the reader will see that
Irish History, (or Legend?), has given us a beautiful Family Line, extending back to Adam, by way of Tama Tephi, (our forebear
No. 51 Generation in genealogy of King Malcolm III, Canmore, of Scotland).
The said Princess Tama Tephi, listed in the Irish chronicles as the wife of Heremon, second and Joint King with his brothers,
of Ireland, has been the only "stumbling block" in the way of your compiler's willingness to accept the Irish version of the
descent from Adam and Eve of Fergus Mor Mac, 131st Monarch of Ireland, who is listed in this manuscript as Generation No.
103, in the ancestral line of Scotland's King Malcolm III, Canmore. (Fergus Mor Mac was only the twenty- seventh Generation
preceding King Malcolm III, Canmore, (or twenty-seven Generations removed!! The said Tama Tephi was a stumbling block for
the reason that she is named in the Irish record as a daughter of King Zedekiah, and the statement is made that she, "with
some of her sisters were carried into Egypt by Johanan after the murder of Gedaliab". In comparing the Irish record of the
Genealogy of King Zedekiah back to Adam with the record in the Bible, your compiler found that Book II Chronicles, in dealing
with the subject of King Zedekiah, tells us that in the final deportation; the captivity of Judah in Babylon; the Lord, on
account of the transgressions of the people of Judah, brought against them the King of Chaldees, whose men slew the young
men with the sword and had no compassion upon young man or maiden, old man, or him that stooped from age; he gave them all
unto his hand. And them that escaped from the sword carried he away to Babylon to be servants to him and his sons.
Bible: II Kings, dealing with the subject of King Zedekiah, relates that Nebuchadnezzar and his hosts came against the
City of Jerusalem and defeated the army of Zedekiah, and Nebuchadnezzar went the way toward the plain; his men captured Zedekiah;
took him to Nebuchadnezzar; slew his sons with the sword before his eyes; put out his eyes and carried him to Babylon for
judgment. The Captain of the guard came and destroyed the city and brake down the walls of the city round about. The rest
of the people that were left in the city and the fugitives that escaped the guard, they carried away. But, (and here is where
our Irish ancestors base their claim that Tama Tephi was a daughter of Zedekiah): II Kings, 25; 22-26 relates that Nebuchadnezzar
made "Gedalinh" ruler over the people that remained in the land of Judah, (meaning, of course, outside the City of Jerusalem
that had been pillaged, de-populated, burned, and left in ruins); and when all the captains of the armies, they and their
men, heard that the King of Babylon had made "Gedaliah" governor, there came to "Gedaliah", to Mizpah, even Ishmnel, and "Johanan",
and Beraiah and Jaazaniah, and they and their men. But it came to pass that Ishmael, of the royal seed, came with ten men
and smote "Gedaliah" and he died and the Jews and the Chaldees that were with him. And all the people, both small and great
and the captains of the armies arose and came to Egypt, for they were afraid of the Chaldees. So the information, on the people
of Judah, given, as above said, in II Kings 25; 22-26, contains reference to "Gedaliah" and Johanan", as Biblical characters,
whom your compiler had thought were names only in the Irish Genealogy. Tama Tephi "and some of her sisters" do not seem to
be named in the Bible records on King Zedekiah, King of Judah, but that is not unusual, for it has been your compiler's observation
that Cemitic Genealogists rarely mentioned the daughters of men, unless in specific instances. Those among our cousins who
do not care to go along with the claim of our Irish ancestors that Tama Tephi, wife of Heremon, second and joint ruler with
his brothers, of Ireland, (and who could have been elsewhere in the land of Judah, outside the City of Jerusalem); was the
connecting link between Bible records, and records (or legends?) of the Irish, can base their earliest (acceptable) beginnings
on any of the twenty-seven generations listed in this manuscript, immediately preceding King Malcolm III, Canmore, of Scotland.
Or they can begin with King Malcolm, himself. As for your compiler, she has become attached to the story that comes out of
Ireland, that land of Good Fairies and Leprechauns. BUT THERE REMAINS FOR ALL OF US ONE INDISPUTABLE ANCESTOR, ADAM. (as previously
stated on Page i of INTRODUCTION, the date given on Lineage from Adam and Eve to King Malcolm III, Canmore, of Scotland, is
a combination of information from various sources.) Ref: First Generation through 96th Generation: Royal genealogies, Anglo-Saxon
Israel, Irish Pedigrees, Bible, I and II Chronicles, II Kings. Beginning with 97th Generation, Wurts' Magna Charta includes
the 135th Generation. Beginning with the 136th Generation is the Research of Dempsey Monroe Kemp, of Greensburg, Louisiana,
and our "local workers", Nora Weathersby Smith, Ina Jones and your compiler, Jessie Womack Moorhead, have done the research
on their own family lines.
For the benefit of those interested in our Family's Heraldry; we are entitled to display the following TWENTY ONE Coats
of arms, eighteen of which are authenticated by Wurts' Magna Charta, the other three by other authentic sources. 1. CHARLEMAGNE
ARMS; pictured, (but not described, on page 178 Magna Charta) the sketch showing three fleur de lis on right half of line
(perpendicular) drawn through the center of the shield, and on the left side, (of half) about half the body of a large, fabled
eagle, or similar winged bird, (or fowl), the extremely large shield surmounted by a crown.
2. GEOFFREY PLANTAGENET ARMS; (from Boutell's Heraldry, Encyclopedia Britannica) "Arms: Azure, Six lioncels or, 3, 2, and
1. Explanation of Heraldic terms: Azure-blue, color indicated for field of shield. Lioncel-small lion, the lion being the
noblest beast in Heraldry. Known for his bravery, the lion appears on most royal shields in the early history of Europe. Or
- gold, metal indicated for lions. 3, 2, and 1 -order in which lioncel appear in rows on the shield. This is the earliest
known decorated shield, of which there is record. Henry I of England granted it to his son-in-law, Geoffrey, Count of Anjou
in 1127, upon the marriage of Henry's daughter, Matilda, or Maud to Geoffrey. Geoffrey was called "Plantagenet" because of
the plume of the broom-plant, (plantagenet), which he was accustomed to wear in his hat. His son succeeded to the throne of
England, as Henry II, and thus established the longest line of English Kings- the Plantagenet Line. Later kings changed the
color of the royal shield to red (gules), and reduced the number of golden lions to three." (End quote from Boutell's Heraldry,
Encyclopedia Britannica.)
(Note by your compiler: In the above, Boutell states that Geoffrey Plantagenet's Arms was "the earliest known decorated
shield; however, immediately above the paragraph describing the Plantagener Arms, the Magna Charta showing of Charlemagne's
Arms has been given by compiler; and the next paragraph will discuss the Arms of the Kings of Jerusalem, Wurts' Magna Charta,
showing on page 201, the Arms of Jerusalem, in connection with the naming of King Fulk V of Jerusalem, the father of Geoffrey
Plantagenet.) It may be that Boutell meant by "decorated Shield", the colors specified. (Charlemagne was born in 742, and
Geoffrey Plantagenet in 1113.)
3. FULK V, KING OF JERUSALEM, In 1110 he married Erembourg of Main, mother of Geoffrey Plantagenet; Arms, pictured on page
201, Wurts' Magna Charta, but not described, however; your compiler describes the Arms, as pictured: A Potent cross, with
four potent crosslets, one crosslet within each of the four sections of the larger cross; the shield surmounted by a crown
composed of crosslets.
4. KING JOHN OF ENGLAND, whose Arms are not shown in Wurts' Magna Charta, but are shown, surmounting Wurts' decorated replica
of the Dover Copy of Magna Charta, to be the same as used by his grandson KING EDWARD I OF ENGLAND, pictured on page 213,
Magna Charta and described as "Arms: Gules, three lions passant regardant, or."
5. MALCOLM III, CANMORE, KING OF SCOTLAND, (of Scottish Kings), husband of Margaret of England, Magna Charta page 190,
"Arms: or, a lion rampant gules within a bordure counter-floury of the second."
6. QUEEN ELEANOR OF PROVENCE, (FRANCE), wife of KING HENRY III OF ENGLAND, Wurts' Magna Charta, page 206, arms: Azure,
three fleur di lis or.
7. QUEEN ELEANOR OF CASTILE (SPAIN), wife of KING EDWARD I OF ENGLAND, Wurts' Magna Charta, page 211, Arms: Gules, a castle
8. SIR THOMAS DE BEAUCHAMP, EARL OF WARWICK, born 1313, father of Lady Philippa de Beauchamp (who married Lord Hugh Stafford)
Wurts' Magna Charta, page 225, "Arms: a fess between six cross crosslets or."
9. RALPH, LORD STAFFORD, born 1299, father of Lord Hugh Stafford, (who married Lady Philippa de Beauchamp) Magna Charta,
page 227, "Arms: Or, a chevron gules."
10. WILLIAM MARSHALL, the famous first Earl of Pembroke, REGENT AND PROTECTOR OF THE KINGDOM, father of Maud Marshall,
who married HUGH BIGOD, the Magna Charta Surety Baron; and of Isabella Marshall, who married GILBERT DE CLARE, the Magna Charta
Surety Baron. (The said WILLIAM MARSHALL, first Earl of Pembroke is not to be confused with his son, WILLIAM MARSHALL, the
Magna Charta Surety Baron, who left no issue. The father and son, the two William Marshalls mentioned) had the same coat of
arms. Wurts' Magna Charta replica of Dover Copy of Magna Charta (the Great Chart) depicts the Arms of "PEMBROKE", meaning
the father (Regent and Protector of the Kingdom). and "MARSHALL" the Magna Charta Surety Baron, who was his son. Wurts' Magna
Charta, page 102, gives on the SURETY son: "Arms: Party per pale or and vert, a lion rampant gules, armed and langued axure",
which describes the Arms of father and son, as shown on the decorated replica of the Dover Copy of Magna Charta.
11. ROGER BIGOD, Magna Charta Surety Baron: "Arms: Or, a cross gules", as described on Page 43, Magna Charta. He was a
direct descendant of Charlemagne, page 25, Magna Charta.
12. HUGH BIGOD, Magna Charta Surety Baron, son of ROGER BIGOD, Surety Baron, "Arms: Or, a cross gules, a label of three
points for difference", as described on page 46, Magna Charta. He was a direct descendant of Charlemagne, Magna Charta, page
13. HENRY DE BOHUN, Magna Charta Surety Baron: "Arms: Azure a bend argent, between two cottisses and six lions rampant,
Or." (Described page 51, Magna Charta.) He was a direct descendant of Charlemagne, page 25, Magna Charta.
14. RICHARD DE CLARE, Magna Charta Surety Baron: "Arms: Or, three chevrons gules", from Magna Charta, page 57. He was a
direct descendant of Charlemagne, Magna Charta, page 25.
15. GILBERT DE CLARE, Magna Charta Surety Baron; "Arms: Or, three chevrons gules, a label of three points for difference".
Described on page 61 Magna Charta. Gilbert de Clare, surety was a son of RICHARD DE CLARE, Surety, a direct descendant of
Charlemagne, Page 25, Magna Charta.
16. JOHN FITZ ROBERT, Magna Charta Surety baron; "Arms: Or, two chevrons gules." Described on Page 71, Magna Charta. He
was a direct descendant of Charlemagne, page 25, Magna Charta.
17. JOHN DE LACIE, Magna Charta Surety Baron; "Arms: Or, a lion rampant purpure." Described on page 71, Magna Charta. He
was a direct descendant of Charlemagne, page 25, Magna Charta.
18. WILLIAM MALET, Magna Charta Surety baron; "Arms: Gules, a lion rampant Or, debruised with a bendlet crmine." Arms described
Magna Charta, page 95. He was a direct descendant of Charlemagne, page 25, Magna Charta.
19. SAIRE DE QUINCEY, Magna Charta Surety Baron; "Arms: a fess gules, a label 8 points azure. Described Magna Charta, page
111. He was a direct descendant of Charlemagne, page 25, Magna Charta.
20. In Generation No. 143, MARGARET BERNARD, daughter of FRANCIS BERNARD, Generation No. 142, quoting from "Manuscript
of Dempsey Monroe Kemp" Genealogist of Greensburg, Louisiana, the following information will be given: "To the Bernards were
granted the following Coat of Arms: "Bernards, Virginia, Richard Bernard, York County, Virginia: "Argent, a Bear rampent,
sable, muzzled Or." "Motto: bear and Forbear." (Explanation of Heraldic terms: Argent- silver, metal indicated for field of
shield. bear rampant- a bear charging. The bear symbolizes boldness and daring qualities. Or- metal indicated for muzzle.
Sable- black, color indicated for Bear on shield and crest. Motto- being written in English, explains itself.) Quoting Dempsey
M. Kemp further: "This coat of arms appears on the seal attached to a deed of Richard Bernard, which was recorded in York
County, Virginia, book 1645-9, answering in Burke's to Bernards of Abingdon, Northamptonshire, England." (From Burke's)
21. GAINES Arms: Sable, three spear-points argent, 2 and 1. On chevron argent, guttee de sang (5 droplets). Crest: Out
of a ducal coronet, a lion rampant proper. Explanation of Heraldic terms: Sable- Black, color indicated for field of shield.
Spear- Points- argent- silver colored spear points. 2 and 1- indication of how these symbols appear on a shield, two at the
top and one at the bottom. They indicate prowess in battle. Chevron- a symbol representing rafters of a house, hence standing
for the protection of the roof tree. Guttee de sang- bearing droplets of blood, five such in this instance. They represent
blood-shed in a noble cause.
Ducal Coronet- symbol granted to higher nobility.
Lion rampant- a lion charging. The lion, symbol of strength and bravery, being the noblest beast in Heraldry.
Proper- term for painting in natural colors. (the claws and tongue of beasts in Heraldry are always painted in red, unless
they appear on a red background, and then, they are painted in blue.
NOTE: Wurts' Magna Charta, page 34, shows a photographic reproduction of the Dover Copy of "MAGNA CHARTA",
to which the decorative shields (Arms) have been added. This Replica depicts the Arms of the 25 Magna Charta Surety Barons
in their true colors, nine of the coats of arms being of OUR Magna Charta Surety Baron ancestors; also the Arms of King John,
and of "Pembroke", (who was our ancestor William Marshall, the famous first Earl of Pembroke, Regent and Protector of the
Kingdom) so, there are eleven Arms on the Replica, to which we can lay claim. (Your compiler has a decorated Replica, as described,
and can vouch for its beauty. She also displays the Arms of Geoffrey Plantagent; Bernard and Gaines, a total of fourteen,
when, wall space and money gave out!!) |