Page 6
President: Walter Womack. McMinnville,
Tennessee Editor, WOMACK GENEALOGY:
Oscar Womack, Daylight, Tennessee
Secretary: Mrs. Clifton Wolfe, Route 14, Knoxville, Tennessee
Genealogist: William Perry Johnson, Box 531, Raleigh, North Carolina Treasurer: Mrs. R. L. Anderson, McMinnville, Tennessee
The 1800 Census of North Carolina covered the sixty counties that were in existence at that time (there are 100 counties
now). All sixty counties were searched, and Womacks were found in six of the sixty, as listed below. (The sixty counties covered were: Anson, Ashe,
Beaufort, Bertie, Bladen, Brunswick, Buncombe, Burke, Cabarrus, Camden, Carteret, Caswell, Chatham, Chowan, Craven, Cumberland,
Currituck, Duplin, Edgecombe, Franklin, Gates, Granville, Greene, Guilford, Halifax, Hertford, Hyde, Iredell, Johnston, Jones,
Lenoir, Lincoln, Martin, Mecklenburg, Montgomery, Moore, Nash, New Hanover, Northampton, Onslow, Orange, Pasquotank, Perquimans,
Person, Pitt, Randolph, Richmond, Robeson, Rockingham, Rowan, Rutherford, Sampson, Stokes, Surry, Tyrrell, Wake, Warren, Washington,
Wayne, and Wilkes.)
Key to 1800 Census: Male/Female same coding
under 10/10 to 16/16 to 26/26 to 45/45 and over
male female
CASWELL COUNTY Josiah Womack 01010
- 00001
CHATHAM COUNTY John Wommack 11100 - 10100
John Wommack Sr 02101 - 20001
Britain Wommack 00011 - 12106
HALIFAX COUNTY Carter Womack[sic]10110 - 10100
PERSON COUNTY John Womack 02201
- 11001
David Womack 01200 - 00110
ROWAN COUNTY Richard Wamock 31010 - 31010
10100 - 20010
Anderson Wammick 20010 - 30010
James Wammick 00010 - 10100
Louisa Wammick 00110 - 00001
Abner Wammick 50010 - 20100
William Wammick 42001 - 10010
Josiah Wammick 00100 - 00010
Copyright 1959 by William Perry Johnson
(Continued from the June, 1958, issue, p. 44)
As mentioned previously, William Womack (presumably a son of William and grandson of "Wife-*beater" John Womack) moved 1761 from Southampton Co.,, Va., to Halifax Co., No Co, where he died in 1777/8. Five deeds
on record in Halifax Co., N, Co, show that he purchased a total of 310 acres of land, and sold 313 acres:
Halifax Coot No C., Deed Book 7. page 315 - 29 Aug. 1761 John Garris to William Wommack, both of Halifax Co. - 130 acres
- 33 Pounds, 6 Shillings, & 8 Pence - land granted to said John Garris, 10 Dec. 1760. Proven 1761. Witnesses: John Wommack,
Samuel Butler, Joseph Butler.
Halifax Deed Book 7. page 315 -o 29 Aug* 1761 - William Garris and wife Comfort, of Northampton Coo, No C., to William
Wommack of Halifax Co. - 180 acres -a - Pounds land on north side of Fishing Creek - a grant to Joseph Parker. Witnesses:
Jno. Wommack, Samuel Butler, Joseph Butler. Proven 1761.
Halifax Deed Book 9, page 536 - 6 Oct 1766 - William
Wommock of Halifax Coos to David Holloway of same - 103
acres -53 Pounds, 6 Shillings, & 8 Pence " a grant to
John Garris, 10 Dec 1760. Signed by marke Witnesses:
John his X mark Key, Bena. Dicken, Peter Lowry. Proven
Halifax Deed Book 12, page 133 - 21 Oct. 1771 - William Womack of Halifax Co., to David Holoway of same - 100 acres - 60 Pounds - a grant to Joseph Parker, 7
May 1742, adjoining John Rorie. Signed: William Wommacke Witnesses: Isam his X mark Smith, Al(b)ridgton Wommack, John Rorie.
Proven 1772g
Halifax Deed Book 13, page 241 - 21 Jan 1775 William Wommock of Halifax Co., to David Holloway of same - 110 acres - 40
Pounds - a grant to Joseph Parker, 7 May 17429 Signed by mark. Witnesses: Hart Champion, William his X mark Alsobrook, Thomas
his X mark Alsobrook. Proven 17750
William Womack wrote his will
in 1774, and it was probated in 1778. Following is a full copy of the will, as found in Halifax Co, NC, Will Book 2, page
Will of WILLIAM WOMACK, Halifax
Cos. No C,g Will Book 2. page 70:
"In the name of God Amen, the 18th day of February, in the year of Christ 1774: I William Womack, of Halifax County, and in the province of North Carolina,
being at this time in a low condition, but thanks be to God of sound, disposing mind, and Memory, and knowing: it is appointed
for all men once to die, am willing to make and Ordain this to be my last will and Testament, That is to say:
First, I give my soul to Almighty God that gave it to me, and my body I recommend to the Earth, to be buried in a Christian
Manner, and as for touching what worldly Estate, where with it hath pleased Almighty God to bless me with, I give and dispose
of them as follows:
Item I give to my son Thomas Womack
one Negro wench called Ginney to him and his heirs forever also my riding horse and my gray mare to him and his heirs forever
Item I give to my son John Womack
one Negro boy called Ansedan to him and his heirs forever also that forty pounds proc, that Tobias Whitehead's Estate oweth
Item I give to my son Frederick Womack one Negro fellow called Bob to him and his heirs forever,
Item I give to my son James Womack
one Negro boy called Jacob to him and his heirs forever.
Item I give to my son Brittain Womack one Negro wench Till one Negro boy called Lewis and one Negro girl called Venus to him and his heirs forever also
my bond that John Yeale owes me
Item I give to my daughter Mary Butler one Negro fellow called Edgecombe, to her and her heirs forever.
I give and bequeath to my daughter Martha Alsobrook one Negro girl called Lucy to her and her heirs forever also my feather
bed and furniture I now lie on, to her and her heirs forever
I do nominate and appoint my son Frederick Womack Executor of this my last will and Testament and my son William Alsobrook Executor of this my
last will and Testament In witness where of I have set my hand and seal the day first mentioned.
Test /s/ William Womack (Seal)
John Morgan
Martha Allsobrook
Re Cotten
Halifax Ss. February Court, 1778
Then this will was exhibited in Open Court by the Executors and proved by Robert Cotten a witness thereto in due form of
Law, Whereupon William Also'brook qualified as Executor thereto and on Motion Ordered to be recorded*
Test B. McCullock C. Ct.
So far, we have no clue as to name of William Womack's wife--not even her given name. Perhaps some of the names she gave her sons serve as clues
to her identity: Frederick, Albridgton (Brittain), for example.
Thomas Womack, son of William
of the above will, remained in Southampton Coo, Va., where he died in 1794/5-.
Southampton Co, Va., Will Book 4, page 681 - Will of Thomas Womack - dated 26 January 1794; probated 9 April 1795. Wife Elizabeth. All lands to son Carter Womack. Legatees: children of John "Menore" [McLemore]--James,
Elizabeth, Polly, and John. Legatee: Harris Thomson, son of Lodovick Thomson. Surviving children (not named), Signed by mark.
Executor: son Carter. Witnesses: William Wright, Byrd Lundy. (Womack spelled Wommack.) (Will Book 5, pages 176 and 453, contains data on the Estate of Thomas Wammack;
Carter Wammack, Executor; and mention John McLemore, guardian to Betsey, James, Polly, and John McLemore, The Appraisement
of the Estate of Thomas Womack appears
in Will Book 4, page 696.)
Carter Womack, son of Thomas and Elizabeth, settled about l796 in Halifax Co., N. C.,
where his grandfather, William, had settled in 1761. Carter Womack married near the year 1795,
probably in Virginia, to Catherine ---, who survived him.
Halifax Co., N. C., Will Book 3, page 680 - Will of Carter Wommack - dated 3 Oct. 1822; probated Nov. 1822. Wife Catherine,
Children: Mary Wommack, Jourdan Wommack, William Wommack. "All my children"; youngest child under 21. Sister Patsey Wommack.
Signed by mark. Executors: sons Jourdan and William Wommack.
Martha Womack, daughter of Thomas
and Elizabeth, and sister to Carter Womack, died unmarried:
Halifax Will Book 4, page 197 - Will of Martha Wammick dated 15 July 1836; probated Feb. 1841.
One-eleventh part to each of the following: Jordan Wammack's children; William Wammack's children; James Wammack;
Thomas Wammack; David Wammack; Kinchen Wammack; Asa Wammack; Kinchen Harris & children; Carter Harris & two children;
James & Tempy Alsobrook's children; Drew King's children
John Womack, son of William who
died 1777/8 in Halifax Co.,, N. Co. settled in the 1760's or 1770's in Chatham County, North Carolina (Chatham County formed
1771 from Orange County). Chatham County court minutes for 1778 listed John Wommock on a road jury. John Womack married around 1770(?) to Elenor Rorie, daughter of John Rorie
of Halifax Co., No Co (The will of John Rorie, Sr., Halifax Co, NC, Will Book 3, page 31, named, among others, son-in-law
John Womack, and four grandchildren,
heirs of daughter Elenor Womack: James, Aner,
Martha,, and Rorie Womack, Will dated 7 July
1782, probated Aug 1782,) After the death of his first wife, Elenor Rorie, John Womack took a common law wife, Susannah Allen. John Womack and family lived in that section of Chatham County which fell into Lee County, No C., in 1907,
in the eastermost point of Lee County, near the Chatham County line and the Harnett County line, and about six miles northeast
of the town of Broadway in Lee County. John Womack also owned land across the county line in Moore County (Moore County deeds destroyed up to 1889), but in that
section of Moore County which fell into Lee County in 1907. (See Womack land grants in North Carolina, as published in WOMACK GENEALOGY issues of June 1957, December 1957, and December 1958.)
John Womack died 1813 or 1814
in Chatham (now Lee) County, North Carolina, Chatham Will Book A. pages 242, 243 Will of John Womack, Senior -
Will of John Womack, Sr., Chatham
Co., N C.
Will dated 29 July 1813; probated Feb. 1;14
Son Rorie
"I give unto my son William Allen, who generally goes by the name of William Womack, one negro, Sam. I lend Suzanne Allen for her life, all the horses, cows, hogs, all the household
and kitchen furniture and plantation and after her death to be equally divided between Robert, William and Elizabeth Allen.
"To my James Womack"
Son John
Daughter Patsy Parham
Daughter Nancy Battle
Executors: Rorie Womack and William
James Womack, son of John and
Elenor (Rorie) Womack--no further
Aner Womack, daughter(?) of John
and Blenor (Rorie) Womack--probably
identical with daughter Nancy Battle, named in John's will, 1813,
Martha Womack, daughter of John
and Elenor (Rorie) Womack--identical
with daughter Patsy Parham, named in John's will, 1813.
Rorie Womack, son of John and
Elenor (Rorie) Womack-.married Elizabeth
--he died in Chatham (now Lee) Co., N. C., in 1847, intestate (without a will); owned land on south side of Cape Fear River,
and on both sides of Fall Creek; left a widow and the following children: Ellinor (m. prior to 1848 to John Burke), Levice
(m. prior to 1848 to Daniel Douglas), Ann (m. prior to 1848 to Abel Douglas), Martha, and Elbert Womack. (Chatham County Estate papers, Archives, Raleigh, No Co) (Martha, dau. of Rorie, married A J Lett).
Chatham Will Book D. page 148 - Will of Elizabeth Womack (widow of Rorie Womack--Editor) - dated 5 Feb, 1857, probated in 1866.
Granddaughter Elizabeth Douglas, dau. of Abel and Nancy Youngest dau, Nancy Douglas
Only son Elbert Womack
Grandchildren, children of Daniel and Livicy Douglas:
Delany Lett, Lucinda Douglas, Dorcus Douglas, Eliza.
beth Ann Douglas, James Douglas, Nancy Douglas. Grandchildren, children of John and Elenor Burk (the latter deceased):
James Burk, Martha Burk, John Roa Burk, Sarah Ann Headon Burk.
Grandchildren, children of Abel and Nancy Douglas: Rora Douglas, Jane Douglas, Archibald Douglas, Ann Douglas, Martha Douglas.
Grandchildren, children of Andrew and Martha Lett: Martha Lett, John Wesley Lett.
Elizabeth, wife of Rorie Womack,
may be identical with the Betsy Womack
of the following will: Chatham Will Book B, pages 18 and 19: Will of James Booker, dated 9 July 1819, probated in Aug., 1819;
named wife Phebe, and, among others, a daughter Betsy Womack, Rorie(?) Womack was named as a legatee.
John Womack, son of John Womack (and Elenor Rorie?), lived in Chatham (now
Lee) Co., N. C* No further data.
William Allen alias Womack, son
of John Womack and Susannah Allen-no
further data.
Robert Allen alias Womack, son
of John Womack and Susannah Allen--prob.
ably identical with the Robert Womack
who obtained a marriage license in Cumberland Coo., NC, to marry Patsy Knightt in 1808.
Elizabeth Allen alias Womack daughter
of John Womack and Susannah Allen-probably
identical with the Elizabeth Womack
who married 1805 to Willis Booker (Cumberland Co NC, marriage bond, with Rory Womack as bondsman).
Frederick Womack, son of William
Womack who died 1777/8 in Halifax
Co, N. C., purchased 1,000 acres of land in Halifax Co, NC in 1766, and sold out in 1775:
Halifax Co., No C.-, Deed Book 10, page 217 - Charles
Mathews of Orange Coal No Co, to Frederick Womack of
Halifax Co.,, N. C. R 1,000 acres - 100 Pounds. Dated
10 Oct 1766, Signed: Charles Matthews. Witnesses
William Thrower, Isaac Mathisg Wilson Williams. Proven May 1768.
Halifax Deed Book 13, page 396 - 23 Aug 1775 - Frederick Wommock of Halifax Co NC, to John Harvey of Brunswick Co., Va.
- 1,000 acres, adjoining D. Marshall, James Mathews. 200 Pounds. Signed by name Witnesses: Arthur Davis, Stephen Marshall,
James Ledbetter. Proven Feb 1776.
Frederick Womack apparently left
North Carolina in 1775. He may be identical with the Frederick Wammack or Wommock listed in the -Rev War Army Accounts of
South Carolina (a card file in the So Co Historical Commission, Columbia, S. C.).
James Womack, son of William Womatk.who
died 1777/8 in Halifax Co, NC remained in Southampton Co VA, where he died about 1786, intestate, Southampton Co VA, Will
Book 4. page 230 - Inventory of James Womack, deceased, taken 4 Jan 1787. Per order of S. Court, 14 Dec 1786; re- turned 13 Sept 1787. The 1783 Personal Property
tax list of Southampton Co VA, listed James Wommock and son Brantley, in St Lukes-Parish. In later lists the son is given
as James, James B. James Brantley Womack. A Southampton Co VA marriage record shows that James Brantley Womack was married to Polly Ellis in 17870 This was the one and only Womack household living in Southampton County around 1800, according
to the tax lists*.James Brantley Womack
died 1814 in Southampton Co VA.
Southampton CO, Will Book 7. page 370 - Will of James B Wommack of Southampton Co - wife Mary - land whereon I now live
on north side of the Cosway Branch, Two children:.John, and jincey Smith,, Grandson: Nathan M. Thomas. Executor: son John.
Signed by mark. Witnesses: Burkett Murrell, Robert Murrell, Sr*, Howell Scarbrough. Dated 4 Feb 1814; probated 20 June 18140
No data has been found on the brothers and sisters of James Brantley Womack; he may have been an only child.
Since Jmes Brantley Womack first
appeared an the tax lists in 1783,, it is likely that he was born cl767 and was aged 16 in 1783, and 20 when he married in
Brittain Womack, son of William
Womack -who died 1777/8 in Halifax
Co,,, NC, settled in Chatham County, No Co. in 1760's or 1770's. and lived on the Chatham-Wake County line, about five miles
northeast of where his brother John had settled. His full name was Albridgton Womack. but he was evidently called Brittain exclusivley in his middle and late life. Albridgton Wommack
was a witness to a deed from John Smith of Bladen Co,
NC to Thomas Wise of Cumberland Co NC. (Cumberland Co, NC Deed Book 7. page 9 - 1779)
In 1779, Albridgton Wommack purchased 300 acres in Chatham and Wake Coset N. C., and sold the tract in 1808:
Chatham Deed Book B, page 165 - 11 May 1779 - J. Booker to Albridgton Wommack . 300 acres in Chatham and Wake Cos.9 N.
Cs John Wommack a witness.
Chatham Deed Book V, page 223 - 15 June 1808 - Albridgton Wommack of Chatham Cog,, to Willey Womack of same - 300 acres 300 Pounds - land in Chatham and Wake
Cos., on both sides of Buckhorn Creek, adjoining Robert Jones, Jacob Levins. Signed by name. Witnesses: William Wommack, John
Wom. mack, Sr. Proven Aug* 1818 by William Womack (John Womack, Sre, is deceased)o
Albridgton, or Brittain, Womack,
died in Chatham Co NC, in 1817, intestate, with Willie or Wiley Womack as his administrator. In 1819 the heirs presented a petition to the court:
Archives, Raleighg No Co - Chatham County Estates Petition of the heirs of Britain Womack father of:
Patsey Womack
Britain Womack
Tempie Womack
William Womack
Alexander Womack
Molly Womack
Merideth Womack,
Nancy Womack
Perebee Womack
Winny Womack and Britain Womack (the younger), by his guardian, Thos. Barham
All the foregoing versus Wiley- Womack, administrator (another heir of Britain Womack).
Martha, or "Patsey" Womack,, was
perhaps the eldest child of Brittain Womack. Her husband-, Joshua Elkins, was a Rev. War soldier, and after his death she applied for a pension. We are indebted
to Jo Fred Dorman,
Editor of THE VIRGINIA GENEALOGIST, for an abstract of the pension papers of Joshua and Martha (Womack)
National Archives, Washington 25, D. C. - File No. W 17755; BLWt. 36639-160-55. Joshua Elkins, Martha - N. C. Rev War.
In 1843, Martha Elkins,, of Chatham Co NC Applied for a pension. Her age in 1843 she gave as 86 (she was thus born around
1757--Editor). Chatham Co. marriage bond: 3 June 1780, Joshua Elkins and Martha Womack, with James Booker as bondsman; they were married 13 June 1780, A Thomas Hinsley,, aged 55 in 1843,
declared he married a daughter of Joshua and Martha Elkins. In 1843, Bretton Womack of Moore Co NC. aged 76, declared he was a brother of Marthat Elkins. He was too young to remember
much, but he knows that Joshua Elkins helped his father work the farm. In the summer Joshua Elkins and Martha were married,
they lived in the family until a house was built on his father's land and they went to live for them. selves. He (Bretton)
lived with his sister while Joshua Elkins was away in service. In 1843, Phebe Booker, age 93, of Chatham Co NC, stated she
had known Joshua Elkins and Martha from their infancy. She stated: "Joshua Elkins was a headstrong lad so much so that his
father could not control him and he hired him to this deponent's husband to work some time after the war of the Revolution
broke out. That Joshua Elkins ran away from this deponent's husband and went to Smithfield and inlisted in the army, That
said Elkins was under age at that time* That she understood and believes that some time in the fall season of the year that
Joshua enlisted his father went to bring him back. That she then understood from his father that as soon as he got to the
camp that Joshua gave him the slip and was reported missing ..." Joshua went to work for Britton Womack and married his employers daughter Martha. He had nothing when he married, but in a few years had
a good stock of horses, cattle and hogs. Joshua Elkins died 22 June 1821.
If Martha Womack was correct in
stating in 1843 that her age was 86, then her father, Btittain Womack, was born in 1730's. and married around 1756, or prior, for Martha would have been born around
1757. Her brother, Brittain, was aged 76 in 1843, thus born around 1767. Brittain Womack, Sr., way have been married more than once, since the 1790 and 1800 censuses indicate that he had
children much younger than Martha and Brittain, Jr Mary Womack, daughter of William Womack
who died 1777/8 in Halifax Co NC, married around 1760 to Samuel Butler, and settled in Bladen Co NC Many of her descendants
are to be found, today, in that section of North Carolina.
Martha Womack, daughter of William
Womack who died 1777/8 in Halifax
Co NC, married William Alsobrook, and lived in Halifax County.
(To be continued)
The United States completed negotiations for the Louisiana Purchase in 1803--a large area now embraced by several states,
Arkansas among them. Prior to 1803, only Indians had lived in the area, but the United States immediately opened up the area
for settlement, and offered the land for sale at attractive prices. Thousands of settlers moved in from the mid- east and
mid-south. What is now Arkansas became part of the Missouri Territory in 1812. Missouri became a state in 1819, and at that
time Congress created the Arkansas Territory, and included, also, what is now Oklahoma. Arkansas became a state in 1836.
The first census taken for Arkansas was in 1820, but all returns have been lost. The 1830 census is the earliest one preserved
for Arkansas, and is complete for the entire state. The total population of Arkansas in 1830 was slightly over 30,000. This
1830 Census of Arkansas has been searched, and Womacks have been found in four of the twenty.three counties in existence in Arkansas at that time
(the twenty-three were: Arkansas, Chicot, Clark, Conway, Crawford, Crittenden, Hempstead, Hot Spring, Independence, Izard,
Jackson, Jefferson, Lafayette, Lawrence, Miller, Monroe, Phillips, Pope, Pulaski, Saint Francis, Sevier, Union, and Washington):
CRAWFORD COUNTY, Upper Township - page 94 - Larkin Womack 1 female aged under 5; 2 males and 1 female aged 5 to 10; 1 male and 1 female aged 10 to 15; 1
male and 1 female aged 40 to 50. No slaves.
CRAWFORD COUNTY, Richland Township - page 102 - William Wamock 1 male and 1 female aged under 5; 1 female aged 10 to 15;
1 fe. male aged 15 to 20; 1 male and 1 female aged 20 to 30a No slaves.
CRITTENDEN COUNTY - page 138 - Levy Wormack 1 male aged 15 to 20; 1 male aged 20 to 30; no females; 1 slave.
IZARD COUNTY - page 224 - David Womack 2 males and 2 females aged under 5; 2 males and 1 female aged 5 to 10; 2 females aged 20 to 30; 1 female aged 30 to
40; l@male and 1 female aged 40 to 50. No slaves.
LAWRENCE COUNTY - page 40 - John Wamock -
1 male aged under 5; 1 male and 1 female aged 10 to 15; 2 males and 2 females aged 15 to 20; 1 female aged 20 to 30; 1
male and 1 female aged 40 to 50.
IN VIRGINIA,, 1623-1800
(Continued from the December, 1958, issue, page 62)
WILL OF THOMAS WOMACK, 1782, Chesterfield
Co VA, - Chesterfield County Will Book 3. 1774-1785, pages 437 and 438,-
"In the name of God amen I Thomas Wommack of Chesterfield County being very sick & weak in Body but of perfect mind
& memory thanks to almighty God for it knowing that it is appointed for all Men once to die do make & ordain this
my last Will & Testament in manner & form following that is to say first of all I recommend my Soul to God who gave
it & my Body to the earth to be decently buried at the discretion of my Exors. herein after mentioned After paying my
just Debts & funeral Expences I dispose of worldly Estate & Effects in manner following
Item I give to my loving Wife Sarah Wommack one Negroe Wench named Anaca Also I give unto my said Wife two Negroes named
Ephraim & Aggy During her Life & all the House Hold & Kitchen Furniture & all the Cattle Sheep & Hogs
& two Mares & all the Utensils
Item I give to my Son Peter Wommack one Negroe named Tilly and & one hundred Acres being more or less Joining Edward
Anderson likewise one sorrel Mare & Foal to him & his Heirs forever
Item I give to my Son Thomas Wommack the first Foal that the Grey Mare may ever have to him & his Heirs forever
Item I give to my Son Jesse Wommack the first Foal that the black Mare may ever have to him & his Heirs forever
Item I give to my Daughter Suckey Womack the above Negroe named Aggy after the Decease of her Mother to her & her Heirs forever
Item I give to my Son Archer Wommack the above named Negroe Ephraim after the Decease of his Mother to him & his Heirs
My Will & Desire is that if my Son Peter Wommock should die without an Heir that his Land may fall to my Son Jesse
My Desire is that my my [sic] Wife Sarah Wommack shall dispose of all my Stock & House-Hold Kitchen Furniture &
Utensils among all my Children as she may think proper
Lastly I nominate & appoint my Wife Sarah Wommack Henry Branch & William Botte Exors. of this my last Will &
Testament utterly revoking all former & other Wills by me heretofore made & do confirm this only to be my last Will
& Testament In Witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand & seal this thirteenth Day of November in the year of our
Lord one thousand seven hundred & seven hundred [sic) & eighty two his /S/ Thomas X Womack (Seal)
Signed sealed & acknowledged mark
In the presence of us
David Goodwin N.B. My Desire is that my Estate may not
Martha Goodwin be appraised but inventoried by the Execu-
Ann Watkins tors.
Chesterfield County Will Book 3, 1774-l785, page 427:
Womack's Inventory Inventory of the Estate of Joel Wommack taken this 15th Day
of November. 1783
Jude & Child L100 Lewis L60 l6O
Amey L35 Ned L25 60
bay Horse L12 bay Mare 40/ 14
7 Hed of Cattle L12-5 7 Hede
Sheep L3-10 15-15
25 head of Hogs &12-10 12-10
Feather Bed & Furniture L10 1 Do. 5 15
6 rush Chairs IO/ flax'Wheel 15/
linine Whel 1O/ 1-15
Loom & 2 Slaus[?] 30/ Chest 15/
Trunk 1O/ 2-15
small Chest 51 2 pine Tables 7/6
2 Hackles 15 1-7-6
butter Pot 2/6 2 cand. Sticks 2/
jug 2/ -6-6
Vials I Salt & Cannister 51 3 Books 51
pr cotton Cards 3/ - -13-
old Iron 45/ 2 Pots Hooks Rack &
frying Pan 30/ 3-15
ox Chain & Hook 2 small Chissels 10/ -10-
3 Dishes 6 Basons 30/ 9 Plates 20/
9 Spoons 4/ 2-l4
tin Buckett 2/6 Steelyards 1O/
water Pail 2/ -l4-1
whip Saw & Files 30/ cross cut Saw 20/ 2-10
2 cyder Casks 9/ 2 Tubs 5/ -14-
hair Sifters 1/6 1 grind-Stone 6/
Poot Adds 2/ -9-6
Crop Corn & Fodder &15 crop Wheat
&4-10 19-10
9 Sides Leather 164 washing Tub 2/ 4-2
1 raw Hide 12/ -12-&319-13-
Agreeable to an Order of the worshipful Court of Chesterfield we the Subscribers upon Oath have appraised the Esta. of
Joel Wommack as above
/s/ Creed Haskins Henry Branch Joseph Wilkinson"
WILL OF ALEXANDER WOMACK, Campbell Co., Va., 1784 - Campbell County Will Book 1. 1782-1800,
pages 38-41:
"I Alexander Womack of the County
of Prince Edward do hereby make this my last Will and Testament. I appoint William Watts and Richard Womack my Executors. I give to my son Richard Womack the Land he lives on in Camel County to him. I give
my son David Womack the Land I had
of Benjamin Harrison lying in Campbell County after the decease or Widowhood of my wife Martha Womack also one feather Bed and furniture and all my Plantation utensils to him. I give my Grand Daughter
Nancy Womack one feather Bed and furniture
and one cow to her. I lend to my Wife Martha Womack dureing her life or Widowhood my Tract of Land in Camel County I had of Benjamin Harrison and all my Estate both
real and Personal not before Divided and after her decease or Widowhood my Will and desire is that the same be sold for the
best Price that can be got Except the Land and Divided amongst my children Alexander Womack Richard Womack David Womack Anne Driscal
Elizabeth Mason Jean Tomison Martha Rutlidge and Juda Richards my son David Womack to have Twenty Pounds more than my other children. Given under my hand and seal the 26th day of
August 1782.
Signed Sealed /s/ A. Womack (Seal)
in Presence of
Wm. Watts Dudley McDearmonroe
Robert Turner
At a Court held for Campbell County April Ist 1784
The within last Will and Testament of Alexander Womack deceased was Proved by the Oath of Robert Turner a Witness thereto subscribed. And at a Court held for the said County
the Sixth day of May following the same were further Proved by the Oath of Dudley McDeamonroe another Witness thereto subscribed
and Ordered to be Recorded, And on the Motion of Richard Womack one of the Executors therein named who made oath thereto according to Law Certificate is Granted
him for obtaining Probate thereof in due form giving Security Whereupon he together with William Mason and Daniel Mitchell
his Securities entered into and acknowledged their Bond in the Penalty of Five Hundred Pounds conditioned as the Law directs
for the said Executors due and faith. full Administration of the said Decedents Estate and Performance of his Will, Liberty
being reserved the Other Executor in the said Will named to join in the Probate thereof when he shall think fit.
Exd, Ro. Alexander C.C.C.
We the appraisers of the Estate of Alexander Womack Deceased being first sworn have appraised the same as Follows:
To one Negro named Simber 35 0 0
To one Negro named Agness 45 0 0
To one Black Horse L8 One Black
mare L12 20 0 0
To four Cows 55/ each 11 0 0
To one Bed and furniture L10
One ditto L8 18 0 0
To a Parcel of Pewter 2 0 0
To one Butter pot spice morter candle
stick Tumbler and Bottle 0 16 0
To one Smoothing Iron and
Brass cock 0 16 0
To one pare of Stillards 1 5 0
To one Pot one Oven and Other
articles 1 8 0
To two Gilts Trunks 2/6 0 5 0
To a Parcel of Carpenters Tools 1 15 0
To a Parcel of Plantation Tools 2 0 0
To one flax Wheel and one Cotten
Wheel 1 0 0
To one Chest Cubard Table Two Locks
and kees 0 12 6
To three Books and one Womans Saddle 1 11 6
To one Tea Kittle 0 8 0
this 31st day of May 1784
Michael Prewet
/s/ Richard Womack Absalom Watkins
Thomas Marshall
At a court held for Campbell County June 3d. 1784
The within inventory and appraisment of the Estate of Alexander Womack Deceased was Produced (etc).
WILL OF SARAH WOMACK, 1785, Chesterfield
Co.,, Va. - Chesterfield Will Book 31 1774-1785, page 508:
"In the Name of God Amen I Sarah Womack of Chesterfield County being Sick but of sound disposing mind and memory do make and Ordain this my last Will and
Testament in manner and form following:
Imprimis. I give and bequeath to my son Peter Womack one cow and my long Gun.
Item, I give to my son Thomas Womack
my White Mare.
Item. I give to my son Jesse Womack
my crosscut Saw and all my Coopers Tools.
Item,, I give my son Archer Womack
one cow.
Item. I give and bequeath my negroe Woman, Annaka to John Finney upon ex. press condition that he shall set her free.
Item, I give to my daughter Sukey Womack all the rest of my Estate not before given, hogs, Cattle, sheep, household and Kitchen furniture to her and her heirs
Last. I appoint John Robertson and Creed Haskins Executors of this my last Will & Testament, revoking all other Wills
by me heretofore made.
In Witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my seal this twenty first day of April One thousand seven hundred
& eighty five.
Signed, sealed, published /s/ Sarah X Womack (Seal)
& declared in presence of mark
Erasmus Reames
Peter Womack
Sally Womack
Cumberland Co., Va,, - Cumberland Will Book Z, 1769-1792, pages 518, 519:
"In the name of God Amen. I William Womack of the County of Cumberland and state of Virginia being in health of Body & of perfect and
sound mind & memory do make & ordain this my last will and Testament in manner following; that is to say first and
principally I commend my soul into the hands of God who gave it, hoping through his mercy to have a joyful resur. rection,
and my body to buried in a decent manner by my Executors hereafter named and as for such worldly goods as I am blessed with
I give and dispose of in the following manner:
Item. I lend unto my daughter Judith Hendrick one negroe wench named Dinah, now in her possession with what increase she
now has and may ever have here. after for & during natural life of my said Daughter, and after her death I give the said
negroe with all her increase to be equally divided among her children to them and their heirs forever.
Item, I give and bequeath unto my son Mascenella all my Land Lying on the North side of Davenports Road joyning Hendricks
to be divided from the land whereon I now live by the said Road as it now runs, to him and his Heirs forever.
Item. My will and desire is that all the land I hold on the south side of Davenports road as it now runs, whereon I now
live, may be sold by my Executors for the best price can be got for it, and forty pounds of the money paid to my son Nathan,
over and above his eaqual division of my estate, and the other part of money arising from the sale of the Land to be put into
the division of my other Estate as next follows.
Item. My will and desire is that my Estate goods & chattles Slaves, Effects & credits of whatever kind or quallity,
with the money for the land above mentioned, be eaqually divided among my seven children namely Agness Sims, William, Charles,
Nathan, Mary, Marcenella and Jesse, only as Jesse is dead allowing all his children which he had by his wife Sarah except
his oldest son William, an eaqual part such as their Father would have had if living, which childs part I desire may be kept
or put to usury by my Exrs. for the benefit of Jessey's said children or the survivors if any die, whenever and as soon as
they come of age or marry, & so on till the youngest comes of age or marries so as the division be eaqual & each ones
part paid as fast or as soon as they come of age or marry.
My will and desire is that notwithstanding the above division, my negro woman Bess shall have free liberty to choose which
of my children she will live with, and he shall take her at the appraisement for so much of his part of the division.
Lastly I do nominate and appoint my four sons namely William, Charles, Nathan & Marcenella my executors of this my
last will and Testament hereby revoking all former wills by me heretofore made and declaring this to be my only true last
will & Testament In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand & affixed my seal this first day of January one thousand
seven hundred and eighty six.
Signed sealed & published /s/ W. Womack (Seal)
In presence of
Joseph Starkey
Wm. Richardson
Phebe her X mark Richardson
At a Court held for Cumberland County the 20th day of September 1791. This last Will and Testament of William Womack was exibited in Court by the Executors
therein named & proved by William Richardson & Phebe Richardson two of the witnesses thereto and ordered to be recorded.
And on the motion of William Womack,
Nathan Womack & Massanello Womack three of the Executors named in the said
will who made oath according to law certificate is granted them for obtaining probat thereof in due form, they having entered
into bond with security according to law and liberty is reserved to the other Executors to join in probat when they shall
think proper.
/s/ Miller Woodson Clk.
President: Walter Womack, McMinnville,
Tennessee Editor, WOMACK GENEALOGY:
Oscar Womack, Daylight, Tennessee
Secretary: Mrs. Clifton Wolfe, Route 14, Knoxville, Tennessee
Genealogist: William Perry Johnson, Box 531, Raleigh, North Carolina Treasurer: Mrs. R. L. Anderson, McMinnville, Tennessee
(Clipping from a Rutherfordton, N. C., newspaper, regarding the dedication, on 3 August 1958, of the new 8-million-dollar
hospital at Fort Bragg, N. C., to Pfc. Bryant H. Womack.)Rutherfordton, N. C. (Special)--A fitting tribute will be paid today to a Rutherford County farm boy who gave his
life to help save others, Anine-story hospital at Fort Bragg will be dedicated today. The 500bed institution will bear the
name of PFC Bryant Womack, son of
Mr. and Mrs. George W. Womack of
Rutherfordton Route 4. Pfc. Womack
died in Korea March 12, 1952, two months before his 21st birthday.
A medical airman with a combat unit of the Army's famed 25th Division, Bryant's patrol encountered heavy enemy mortar and
machine gun fire.
American casualties were heavy. But in spite of intense fire and without regard for his own safety, Bryant ran from one
wounded man to another, rendering medical aid.
Amortar shell ripped deep.into his arm. He remained at his post and gave first aid with his remaining good hand.
A second shell hit the heroic private in his side. Although unable to move, he refused to be evacuated until all the other
wounded soldiers were given help. He died minutes later.
Pfc. Womack was awarded this nation's
highest military award, the Congressional Medal of Honor.
An Army base street and a firing range in Korea bear his name. A street at Fort Sam Houston, Tex., has been named in his
And now, the Army's most modern hospital at Fort Bragg will stand as a monument to a Rutherford farm boy who paid the supreme
sacrifice for his country.
Top Army officials, North Carolina Governor Luther Hodges, and other dignitaries will be present for the dedication. So
will Mr. and Mrs. Womack, Bryant's
sister, Rachel, and his brothers, Charles, Eugene and Lester. Lester, a Military police corporal in Germany is being flown
home for the services.
Once again, Mrs. Womack will hear
words of tribute to her son and will again hear why he was posthumously presented.the Congressional Medal of Honor.
But she will remember Bryant not as a hero, but as a child on the Womack farm. She'll remember how he loved dogs and hunting and fishing. How he always went to church on
Sunday. How we was always so neat and wellgroomed.
(See preceding page)
7th Generation: Thomas Womack
m. Louisa Rice; Va. to N. C. 1770's. Settled in Burke Co., where Thomas died. Louisa removed to Rutherford Co. before 1790.
6th Generation: Anderson Womack
m. Fanny Dobbins; Rutherford CD.
5th Generation: Gasaway Womack
(1808-1869) a. Martha Parker (1808-1883). Lived 'Rutherford and Cleveland Cos., N. C.
4th Generation: Anderson Womack
(1842-1887) m. Margaret McGinnis (1856-1932).
3rd Generation: Frank P. Womack
(1879-1954) m. Sally Phillips (1883-1952).
2nd Generation: George Womack
(1896- ) m. Julia Holllifield
lst Generation: Bryant H. Womack
Thanks to Mr. Anderson W. Womack, Route 1, Mill Spring, N. C., for contributing the foregoing
material on Pfc. Bryant H. Womack.
The cover of last issue of WG featured a list of Womacks on the 1800 Census of North Carolina, Wake Co. was conspicuous by its absence, since Womacks are known to have lived in the Wake Co. area since about 1750. But repeated readings of the 1800
Census of Wake Co. any of the varied spellings of the name so far noted. A study of the Womack material for Wake Co. showed that three Womack families were living in Wake Co around 1790, namely:
Willie (or Wiley), Meredith ans William. Finally these same three families were found on 1800 census for Wake Co, after all,
but the name Womack was disguised
as WARMOUTH! So, please add the three names, below, to the Womacks on 1800 Census of N. C.:-
WAKE CoUNTY Willie Warmouth 00101 - 00101
Meredith Warmouth 00100 - 00000
William Warmouth 00100 - 20100
(Cont'd. from the Dec., '57, issue, P. 23)
Index to Patents & Gtants, 1623-1774:
Patentee Acres Vol. County
Richard Womack 450 6-447 Henrico
Richard Womack &c 335 6-454
Richd. Wamock &c 206 7-250 Henrico
John Woshan & Abraham Womack
&c 879 8-172 Henrico
Abraham Womack, Senr. 269 8-216
Abraham Womeck 200 9-161 Henrico
William Womack 950 10-240 Henrico
Abraham Womack 400 14-267 Goochland
William Womack 100 15-19 Goochland
William Womack 85 15-484 Isle
of Wight
Richd. Womack 400 18-383 Amelia
Abraham Womack 403 22-250 Amelia
Matthew Womack 400 25-35 Amelia
Thomas Womack 72 25-71 Henrico
Willm. Womack 105 26-252 Isle
of Wight
Richard Womack 283 26-336 Brunswick
William Womack 80 27-450 Lunenburg
Thomas Womack 164 29-526 Henrico
Willm. Womack, Jr.400 31-31 Albemarle
John Wornock 54 31-649 Augusta
Abraham Womack 176 31-705 Amelia
John Wornick 400 33-106 Augusta
Richard Wamach 2600 34-30 Lunenburg
Richard Womack 1270 34-171 Halifax
Abraham Womack 376 34-550 Halifax
James Womack &
Ruth his wife &c.255 34-1023 Southampton
James Womack &
Ruth his wife &-c.100 34-1O25 Southampton
Alexander Womack 321 41-366 Bedford
The first nine of the above were published in the December, 1957, issue of WOMACK GENEALOGY.
The others will appear in this and forthcoming issues.
Patent Book 15, page 484 - 13 May 1735 - William Womack - 85 acres - Isle of Wight County, George the Second by the Grace of God of Great Britain France
and Ireland King, Defender of the ffaiih &c. To all to whom these Presents shall come Greetings. Know ye that for divers
good causes and Considerations
but more Especially for and in Consideration of the Sum of Ten Shillings of good and Lawful mony for our use paid to our
Receiver General of our Revenues in this our Colony and Dominion of Virginia We Have Given Granted and Confirmed and by these
Presents for us our Heirs and Successors Do Give Grant and Confirm unto William Womack one certain Tract or parcel of Land containing Eighty five acres Lying and being on the North side
of Meherin River in the County of Isle of Wight and bounded as ffolloweth (to wit) Beginning at a White Oak near Hall's Branch
a Corner of the said Womack's other
Land thence North ffifteen Degrees West Sixty Eight Poles to a White Oak thence North by East one Hundred and eight Poles
to a Pine near a Branch thence South Sixty Degrees east Ninty-three Poles to a red Oak thence South ffifteen Degrees east
Ninty Poles to a Lightwood Post in a line of the said Womack's other Land and thence by his own old Line South Seventy Degrees West one Hundred and twelve Poles
to the begining.... (superfluos-legal wordage will be omitted from this and the remaining patents and grants, as it has no
genealogical value--Editor). Signed by William Gooch, Lt. Gov, Williamsburg, Va., 13 May 1735.
Patent Book 18, page 383 - 22 Sept. 1739 - Richd. Womack - 400 acres - Amelia County. Consideration: 40 Shillings. To Richard Womack, 400 acres in Amelia Co., on both sides of Tomohitton Swamp.
"Beginning at a corner Hiccory on the lower side of the said swamp Thence West two hundred and twenty four Poles to a faced
corner near a branch on the Upper side of the Swamp Thence South fifteen Degrees east one hundred and ninety Poles to a faced
corner Thence Bast twelve Degrees South two hundred and ninety nine Poles to a corner Hiccory Thence North fourteen Degrees
east one hundred and fifty eight Poles Crossing the Swamp to a corner and Thence West thirty one Degrees North one hundred
and seventy eight Poles to the beginning. Signed by William Gooch, Lt. Gov., Williamsburg, Va., 22 Sept. 1739.
Patent Book 22, page 250 - 10 July 1745 - Abraham Womack - Amelia County. Consideration: 40 Shillings, To Abraham Womack, 403 acres in Amelia Co,, on both sides of Saylors Creek. ""Beginning at Ruffins line on the upper
Side of the -said Creek -Thence along his Line West one hundred and fifty five Poles to a Corner Thence South one hundred
and Seventy two Poles to a Corner Stone Thence east one hundred and fifty Eight Poles to a Corner Beach on the said Creek
Thence down the said Creek as it Meanders to Fitzgeralds Corner Beach Thence east twenty Nine degrees South One hundred and
Bigkty six Poles along Fitzgeraids line to his Corner White Oak by a Spring Thence North thirty three Degrees East One hundred
and Ninety one Poles to a Corner White on a fork of the said Creek and Thence down the said Fork & Creek as they Meander
to the Beginning." Signed by William Gooch, Lt, Gov., Williamsburg, 10 July 1745.
Patent Book 25, page 35 - 20 March 1745 - Matthew Womack - 400 acres Amelia County. Consideration-. 40 Shillings. 400 acres in Amelia Co,, on the branches
of Sandy River on the lower side thereof. "Beginning at Daniel Browns corner in Charles Burks's Line Thence along Burks's
North forty one Degrees East Ninety Nine Poles to his Corner Hiccory Saplin on a Branch Thence North thirty three Degrees
last forty one Poles to a Corner Pine Thence East two hundred and seventy eight Poles to a Corner Pine Thence South nineteen
Degrees East two hundred and sixty four Poles to a Corner Pine Thence West twelve Degrees North two hundred and twenty three
Poles to Browns Line Thence along his Line North fourteen Degrees West forty nine Poles to his Corner at a Rock Thence West
six Degrees North one hundred and forty two Poles to his Corner red Oak Thence West eighteen Degrees North eighty four Poles
to the beginning..' Signed by William Gooch, Lt. Gov., Williansburg, Va., 20 March 1745,
Patent Book 25, page 71 - 5 June 1746 - Thomas Womack - 72 acres - Henrico County. Consideration: 10 Shillings, "Beginning at Richard Woods Corner Thence on the said Woods
Line South West eighty Poles to a Corner Maple in the low Ground of Appamattox River Thence through the edge of the said low
Ground on the said Womacks old Line
South twenty three Degrees East one hundred and sixteen Poles to a Hiccory Thence North eighty six Degrees last fifty four
Poles to a Gum Standing on Sappone Creek parting the said Womack and Joseph Wilkinson Thence on the said Wilkinsons line North fifteen Degrees West fifty Poles
to a white Oak thence North forty four Degrees last eighty Poles to a shrub'White Oak parting Joseph Wilkinson and Benjamin
Branch thence on Branches Line North sixty Degrees West one hundred Poles to the place begun at. Signed by William Gooch,
Lt. Gov., Williamsburg, Va., 5 June 1746.
Patent Book 26, page 252 - 5 March 1747 - William Wammack - 105 acres Isle of Wight County, on north side of Mehorin River.
Consideration: 15 Shillings. "Beginning at a small Black oak a Corner of Edward Lundys Land thence by the said Lundys Line
south seventy degrees west forty poles to a Lightwood post a Corner of William Wammack Seniors Land thence by the said William
Womack Seniors Lines north fifteen
degrees west sixty four poles to a red oak and north fifty degrees west forty poles to a white oak Stump a Corner of John
Nannys Land thence by said Nannys Lines north forty degrees east fifty six poles to a white oak and north forty four poles
to a Hickory in the county Line between Isle of Wight and Surry thence by the said County Line north sixty degrees east forty
eight poles to a pine a corner of Colo. Richard Blands Land thence by the said Blands Lines south east sixty poles to a Spanish
oak Saplin and south thirty eight degrees east ninety two poles to a red oak in Edward Lundys Lines foresaid thence by the
said Lundys Lines south seventy degrees west eighty eight poles to a Hickory and south fifte degrees West forty poles to the
Beginning.', Signed by William Gooch, Lt. Gov., Williamsburg, Va,, 5 March 1747,
Patent Book 26, page 336 - 5 April 1748 - Richard Womack - 283 acres Brunswick County, on the branches of the middle fork of Little Roanoak River. Consideration:
30 Shillings. "Beginning at a White Oak on a Branch north nineteen degrees east two hundred and sixty four poles to a white
oak thence south eighty four degrees west one hundred and sixteen poles to a white oak thence South forty nine degrees west
two hundred and seventy eight poles to a pine thence South twenty degrees east forty poles to a white oak on the aforesaid
Branch thence up the said Branch as it neanders to the beginning," Signed by Willian Gooch, Lt. Gov., Williassburg, Va., 5
April 1748.
Patent Book 27, page 450 - 5 Sept. 1749 - William Womack - 80 acres - Lunen" burg County - in the fork of Allen's Creek. "Beginning in the Point of the
fork Thence up the South Fork as it Meanders to a white oak on the Thence off North forty Degrees East one hundred and six
Poles to an elm on the Creek Thence East sixty eight Poles to a red oak Thence South four Degrees east forty six Poles to
a white oak on the Creek Thence down the said Creek as it Meanders to the Beginning -Signed by Thomas Lee, Esqr., President
of our Council Commander in chief of our said Colony and Dominion, at Williamsburg, Va., 5 Sept4 1749. (Consideration: 10
Patent Book 29, page 526 - 5 Aug. 1751 - Thomas Womack - 164 acres - Henrico County - Consideration: 20 Shillings. Beginning at a Corner willow Oak
in black Swamp on George Worshan's Line thence South thirty one Degrees East sixty eight Poles to a Corner black oak thence
South four Degrees West forty two Poles to Irby's Corner black oak thence on Irby's Line North fifty Degrees east seventy
two Poles to a Corner Gum thence North eighty one Degrees last one hundred and thirty six Poles to a Corner white oak thence
North twelve Degrees West eighty eight Poles to a hiccory Corner on Eppes's Line thence on Eppes's Line north thirty Degrees
West sixty four Poles to Eppes's Corner white oak thence on Isbell's Line South twenty two Degrees West thirteen Poles to
Isbell's Corner hiccory thence North eighty five Degrees West one hundred and forty Poles to a Corner hiccory on Wonmack's
thence South nineteen Degrees West thrity nine Poles to Worsham's Corner white oak thence South twelve Degrees East forty
seven Poles to Worsham's Corner Gum thence South forty two Degrees West twenty eight Poles to the Beginning." Signed by Lewis
Burwell, Esqr., President of our Council, at Williamsburg, Va., 5 Aug. 1751.
Patent Book 31, page 31 - 20 Sept. 1751 - William Womack, Jr. - 400 acres Albemarle County. Consideration: 40 Shillings. Land on both sides of Willis's
River. Beginning at Daniel Low's Corner hiccory on the South side the said River mg thence South thirty Degrees East one hundred
and eighty Poles to a black oak last fifty two Poles to Pointers North twenty six Degrees West sixteen Poles to John Sanders's
Corner black oak thence on his Line North twenty five Degrees East one hundred and ninety four Poles crossing Willis's River
to a black oak thence a new Line West(?) same Course Continued two hundred and twenty five Poles to Pointers North eighty
two Degrees West one hundred and fifty two Poles to Pointers in John Cook's Line and on that Line South thirty nine Degrees
West seventy eight Poles to Daniel Low's Corner Pointers thence on Low's Line South thirty Degrees west two hundred and twenty
four Poles crossing Willis's River to the first station,"' Signed by Lewis Burwell, Esqr., President of our Council, Willimsburg,
Va., 20 Sept. 1751.
Among the many thousands of pension files in the National Archives (Washington 25, iD. C.) for soldiers of the Revolutionary
War, are four for the Womack family.
These four were abstracted by the late Mrs. Nellie P. Waldemaier, genealogist, of Washington, D. C., as follows:
ABNER - N. C. (born in VA), File No. S 30804: Butler Co., Ky., 12 of Nov., 1832 - "personally appeared" Abner Womack, aged 68 years. Entered service, by draft,
1780, in Lincoln Co., N. C.; was private under Capt. Jacob Collins, Lieut. French, Ensign Joseph Beaty, Col. Arrington's Regiment.
Rendezvoused in Lincoln Co., N. C.; marched to Charleston, S. C. Arrived in Charleston early in April where he was placed
under Brig. Genl. McIntosh. (Long details of service.)
Altogether he served two months and 2 days, all the time in militia. Was discharged. Served a second tour of three months
in militia. In Dec., 1781, he joined a company of Mounted Rangers as a substitute for Reuben Petty of Burke Co., N. C. Marched
to Upper Fort in Burke Co.; engaged in scouting in different parts of the State for protection against the Indians. Sometime
in Feb., 1782, he received a discharge, signed by Lieut. Davidson, which he has lost.
He was born in Prince Edward Co., Va. Jan. 7, 1764; lived in Lincoln Co., NC, until 1797 when he moved to Logan [Co.],
Ky., to that part which is now Butler Co. Received a pension of $24,44 per anntm,
Letters of inquiry concerning pensions of Abner and William Womack from 0. B. Womack, Route 4, McMinnville, Tenn., in 1916, and from Mrs. B. Bentley, West Main Street, McMinnville, Tenn. (no date).
EDITOR"S NOTE: Ihe above Abner Womack was son of Abraham and Elizabeth Womack of Virginia and Lincoln Co,, N. C.
ABRAHAM WOMACK - N. C., LUCY(WAMMICK), File No. W6602; BLWt. 38342-160-55.
(This is a very voluminous file, part of which is letters from the Pension Bureau to persons inquiring as to the service
of Abraham Womack. These letters
give a summary of the evidence in these files. One such letter is to Mrs. Ben J. Ray, 920 South 31st Street, Birmingham; Alabama,
dated 15 of Dec., 1936. This summary gives the following information:-)
Abraham Womack was a citizen of
Chatham Co., N. C., both before -and during the Revolutionary War. The date and place of his birth and names of his parents
are not given.He enlisted and served three or more tours as private in N. C..troops and was in Battle of Brier Creek where
he received a severe wound over his left eye.
He moved, 1 Jan., 1786, from Chatham Co,, N. C., to Hancock Co., Ga.thence to Jones Co., Ga., and, sometime in 1825, to
Monroe Co., Georgia. On 9 May 1825, in Jones Co., Ga., he married Imcy Moody, who was then about 44 years old. Names of her
parents not given.
Abraham Womack died 10 of April,
1834, in Monroe Co., Ga. He was then "about" 90 years old. Lucy Womack received a pension of $41.75 per annum.
Another letter of inquiry was from Mrs. G. W. Johnson, Oakland, Miss., and was answered 15 of Jan. 1936, giving same s
ry of information.
In May, 1855, the widow of Abraham Womack appeared in Court in Bibb Co., Ga. She stated that her maiden name-was Moody, and that she had never had any child.
She gave her age in 1855 as 74.
Benjanin R. Rutherford deposes he has heard his father John Rutherford, Laban Beckham, and Solomn Beckham (three soldiers
of the Revolution) speak of Abraham Womack as one who rendered service to his country during the Revolution.
Two statements from the North Carolina Comptroller's Office give the following references to Abrahan Womack (although the two differ slightly):
Book A no. 11, p. 11 16 6-6
Book 175, p. 58 82-10 1779
Book,.14, p. 1 9-0-0 Aug. 1783
Indent No. 124 12-5-4
Indent No. 122 6-2-8 1790
Indent No. 325 9-0-0 1783
Abraham Womack, a private in Revolutionary
War for 12 months and 16 days, was a pensioner from 4 March 1831 to 10 April 1834 (date of his death), at $41,75 per annum.
Lucy's pension commenced in 1856.
EDITORIS NOTE: This Abraham Womack
married, first (in 1760's?), to Judith Minter, daughter of John and Elizabeth (-?-) Minter of Chatham Co., N. C. (Will of
John Minter, dated 1797, named, among others, a daughter Judith Womack; Abraham and Judith Womack sell land in Chatham Co.) Parentage of this Abraham Womack is unknown at this Writing. Abraham lived in the southeast corner of Chatham Co., in that part
which fell into Lee Co. in 1907--on or near the present Chatham-Lee County line, perhaps ten miles northeast of Sanford, North
JOHNSON WOMACK (or WOMACK), GA, NC, (b. in VA) File No S 32577:
Madison Co., Ark., 30 of October, 1837 - ",personally appeared" Johnson Womack, aged 75 years. Volunteered in a militia company of "Horsemen!' commaned by Capt. Jonathan Kemp
"'at an old field, Capt. Kemp's muster ground near Pleasant Gardens on the Catawba River" in Burke Co., NC about June 20,
1780. Marched to Caney Creek near county line of Rutherford Co., N. C. Here they were joined to other groups and altogether
about 300 men placed under Col. Charles McDowel. (Long detail of service in Ga. and N. C. until he was discharged Oct. 25,
Again volunteered under Capt. Joshua Inman in Burke Co, N. C., about April 15, 1781. (Further details of service.)
In answer to questions applicant stated: He was born in Goochland Co., Va., 2 of January, 1762. When called into service
he lived in Burke Co., N. C. Since the Revolution he has lived in Pendleton Co., S. C., in State of Tennessee, and in Lawrence,
Crawford, and Washington Cos., in Arkansas; and now lives in Madison, a new county taken from Washington Co., Arkansas.
Affidavits as to character signed by Charles S. Whitley, Martin Johnson,' Pleasant M. Johnson, R. R. Colfer, and Bunil
(Burril?) Hornsby. Received pension of $33.22 per anmin.
EDITOR'S NOTE: Parentage of this Johnson Womack has not been ascertained at this writing.
No S16584
Spencer Co., Ky., 10 September 1832 - "personally appeared" Massanello
Womack , aged 81 years.
In 1776 (he doesn't remember the month) he was drafted in Charlotte Co, Va., for 3 months tour in militia, and "furnished"
Stephen Neales as a substitute who served the full tour.
Volunteered as Sergeant from Cumberland Co., Va., in Jan., 1781, under Richard Allen as captain. Marched south and was
in Battle of Guilford Court House (NC), fought on the 15th day of March, 1781, under Genl. Greene. Was discharged at Ramsey's
Mills on Deep River in N. C. on 3rd of April 1791.
About May, 1781, enlisted for duration of war and so served. Was under Barnett Gaines (rank not stated) and so continued
in Continental establishaent to end of war. Lost his discharge papers.
Was born May 24, 1757 (could this be 1751? If 1757, he would have been aged 75 in 1832, rather this 81. If 1751, then his
age,in 1832 would have been 81, as he stated. EDITOR.) in Cumberland Co., Va.; moved from Cumberland to Charlotte Co., Va.,
in 1775; moved back to Cumberland Co. in 1777; lived there until 1783; then moved to Prince Edward Co., Va.; lived there 34
years; then moved to Shelby Co., Ky., in 1817. Lived in Shelby and Spencer Cos., Ky., ever since.
Affidavits as to character of applicant: John Strange of Spencer Co., Ky., stated he was in service with Massanello Womack at Battle of Guilford Court House; that
he had lived neighbor to said Womack
in Cumberland Co., Va.; that Barnett Gaines was a commissary and Massanello Womack an assistant commissary. Affiant now lives neighbor to Womack, having moved to Ky. in 1807.
Massanello Womack received a pension
of $120.00 per annum, commencing 4th of March, 1831.
An inquirer who has written to the Pension Bureau concerning this pensioner was: Mrs. R. S. Fitzgerald, 2702 E. Broad Street,
Richmond, Virginia.
EDITORIS NOTE: Massanello Womack
was son of William and Mary Womack
Cumberland Co., Va. (See will of William Womack, 1791, page 79 of the
June, 1959, issue of WOMACK GENEALOGY.)
(Continued from the June, 1959, issue, page 80)
Southampton Co., Va. - Southampton Co., Va., Will Book 4, 1783-1797, page 230:
"An Inventory and appraisement of the estate of James Womack decd. Taken 4th day of January 1787.
To one Negro Man Jacob 75
To one Negro Woman Fan and child 75
To one Girl Silvy 50
To one Girl Patience 35
To Negro Boy Abriham 32
To Negro Boy Goe 20
To 3 Sows L 2-10 s and 13 fat hogs
L16 - 5 18 15
To 5 Cows and 5 Yearlings and one
Bool and heighfer 17
To 2 Cows and yearlings and 4 sheep 7
To 1 Gun L 1 - 5 and bed bedstead
and furniture L 5 10 6 15
To 1 Bed bedstead and furniture 8 10
To 2 Beds one bolster and I Bedstead 3
IN VIRGINIA, 1623-1800 91
To 3 Chests and one table 3 Spinigg wheels 1 18 6
To I cart and wheels L I - 16 one Loom 151 1 11
To 1 pare of stilyards and parcel of tools 1 10
To box iron and heaters and books L I 0 1
To I looking Glass Grind stone pot and hooks 10 4
To 1 pan and bole and churn and pail 8 11
To a parcel of leather and Iron Wedges 1 8 6
To 2 axes 2 broad hoes 14 9
To parcel old Iron and raw hides 1 2
To Womans Saddle and jug 1
To four knives and six forkes 3
To parcel of pewter and 1 pare cards 3
To horse harness and beehive 1 3
To I Bay Mare and Sorrel Do. 13 10
To 1 pot and hooks and Geese 18
To hamster pinchers and Slay 9 6
To 2 Slays and harness and shekel 7 6
To 2 topstacks and I Cock of blades 1 7
To 52 Barrels corn 2 4
To 1 Bottle 2 Vials and 2 Chears 2 6
To 2 Open headded Barrels and aparle 4 6
To 1 Candlestick and 2 pare of cards 1
To I pare of temples Saddles and saw 1 3
To 2 Slays and harness 9 6
To 1070 Ct. of Tobacco 7 12 3
To 65 Ct. Cotton 15
Obedience to an Order of Southampton Court dated 14th day of December 1786 we the Subscribers being first Sworn have appraised
in current money all the estate of James Womack decd. that hath been presented in our View.
John Claud
William Claud
Basil Payne
At a Court held for the County of Southampton the 13th day of September 1787 This Inventory and appraisement of the estate
of James Womack decd. returnd and
ordered to be
George Co., Va. - Prince George Co., Va., Deed Book, 1787-1792, Part I, page 83:
"In the name of God Amen, I John Womack of the Parish of Martins brandon in the county of Prince George, being very sick & weak of Body but of perfect
sound and disposing memory, thanks be to almighty God for the same, do make and ordain this my last Will and Testament in
manner and form following, that is to say:
It is my Will andesire & I do Ordain that in the first place and-as soon possible after my decease that all my Just
Debts & funeral charges be paid & satisfy'd.I lend the use & rise of the whole of my Estate both personal &
real to my dearly beloved Wife Hannah during her natural Life or Widowhood upon provisoe that she keeps all my children together
& supports them out the same.
I give & bequeath to my Son Travis Wanack all the Land & plantation whereon my Father formerly liv'd, also I give
& bequeath to my son Travis Womack
One hundred Acres of Land of the tract whereon I now live to be take off adjoining Jeremiah Titmash Randolph Fewqua &c.
all of which to him his Heirs, & Assigns forever.
I give & bequeath to my Son Nathaniel Womack all the remainder of the Tract of Land &-Plantation -whereon I now live, to him & his
Heirs & Assigns forever.
And it is my Will & desire at the decease of my Wife (which shall first happen) that the whole of my Personal Estate
be equally divided among all my Children then Surviving.
And I do nominate and appoint Nathaniel Marks Edward Marks & James Womack Executors to this my last Will & Testament. In Testimony whereof I have hereunto set my hand
& affixed my Seal this tenth day of February in the Year of Our Lord Christ One thousand seven hundred & Eighty seven,
/s/ John Womack
Signed Sealed &- Published by the said John Womack to be his last Will & Testament. In the presents of us who in his presents & in the
presents of each other have hereunto subscribed our Names.
Wyatt Bishop
John Titmus
Ikichard Titmus
At a Court held for Prince George County at the Court House on Tuesday the XIth day of,September 1787. The above written
last Will & Testament of John Womack decd. was presented into Court by the Executors therein named who made Oath thereto according to Law, & being
proved by the Oaths of the Witnesses thereto is by Order of the Court truly Recorded, & on the motion of the Executors,
Certificate is granted them for Obtaining Probate of the said Will in due form.
C, Russell
D. Clerk."
1790, Charlotte Coo, Va. - Charlotte Co., Va., Will Book 1, 1765-1791, page 428:
William Womack's Will - January 30th 1790. "This day being called on by Simion Jackson to make mention
of the words of William Wamock of Charlotte County Decd. who departed this life the above date within who appeared to be in
his proper senses call on us whose names are under written to take notice that the said William Wamock did give to Elizabeth
Jackson wife of Simon Jackson one certain negro woman known by the name of Betty and her Increase during her life and at her
death to be disposed of by the said Elizabeth Jackson as she might think proper and the said Womack call on us to take notice that it was his desire that Simon
Jackson should take charge of the plantation whereon he then lived and every thing thereon and to keep them together until
he made a crop for the ensuing year as witness each of
our hands the above date written.
In presence of /s/ Henry his X mark Banes
Thomas Lorton Martha her X mark Banes
Burwell Brown Alexander Ferguson
Henry Barnes
James Dudgeons
At a Court held for Charlotte County the 5th day of April 1790.
This nuncupative Will of William Womack decd. was presented in Court by Simon Jackson, and the same being committed to writing in the presence of Thomas Lorton,
Burwell Brown, Henry Barnes h James Dudgeons--the same was proved by the oath of Henry Banes, Martha Ranes, & Thomas Parguson
the Witnesses in whose presence the Testamentory words were spoken & ordered to be Recorded.
Teste Thomas Mad Cc.
Truly Recorded
Thomas Read Cc."
WILL OF THOMAS 1795, Southampton Co., Va. - Southampton Co., Va., Will Book 4, 1783-1797, page 681:
"In the Name of God Amen I Thomas Wommack no my life is very uncertain and .now being unwell tho sound in mind & Memory
do make this my last will & testament revoking all others heretofore made and this my will to take place from the 26th
day of January in the year of our Lord One thousand seven hundred & ninety four.
Item. It is my will and desire that all my just debts be paid.
Item. I give unto my son Carter Wommack all my lands that I now possess also I gave two feather beds & furniture to
said son Carter Wommack, I Gave unto my son also all my corn & meet. I Gave unto my son Carter Wommack, a Neg man by the
name of Anthony, also a Negro woman by the name of Lyddia my son Carter Wommack is to take good care of his Mother Elizabeth
Wommack & to see that she has a good Maintenance out of the above mentioned property. I Give ten pounds to John Menore
children namely James Elizabeth Polly & John which is to be put to the use of schooling the said children. I Give ten
pounds to Harris Thomson son of Lodovivk Thomson. The balance of my Estate to be sold at public sale then to make a Equal
division between my surviving children. I also do appoint & nominate my son Carter Wommack my whole & sole Executor
to this my last will & testament Giving from under my hand & seal this 26th day of Jany. 1794.
Test Wm Wright /S/ Thos. his X mark Womack
Byrd Lundy
At a court held for the county of Southampton the of April 1795. This will was presented in court by Carter Wommack
the Executor therein nam'd. Prov'd. by the oaths of Wm Wright & Byrd Lundy the witnesses thereto and ordered to be recorded.
And on the motion of the said Executor who made oath according to Law Certificate is granted him for obtaining a probat thereof
in due form giving security whereupon &c.
Saml. Kello Cc."
Chesterfield Co., Va. - Chesterfield Co. Will Book 5, 1800-1802, page 101:
"Inventory and appraisement of the Estate of Jesse Womack decd. made this 3d April 1797.
1 Negro fellow named Spencer L 100
/S/ Geo. Markham Peter Worsham R. Watkins"
WILL OF nATHAN WOMACX, 1799, Cumberland Co., Va. - Cumberland Co. Will Book 3, 1792-1810, page 135:
"As daily observation evinces the mortality of mankind as well as the contentions which too often succeed concerning the
effects they leave behind I have thought proper whilst blessed with the full and perfect enjoyment of my reason, to dispose
of such worldly Estate as God hath blessed me with in the following manner.
First, I lend unto my belovidg (the words beloved and loving were written in
the same space here, and it is not known which word was intended to remain effective. Editor) wife Anna during her natural
life the tract of land whereon I now live lying on both sides of Great Guinea Creek with my Water (this word apparently marked
out. Editor) Grist Mill and Still, also all my slaves stock household & kitchen furniture, except the lagacies in slaves
stock, household & kitchen furniture hereafter devised to my children and Grand Daughter Betsey Price.
I Give and bequeath to my daughter Betsey after my wifes death all the land I own on the north side of Great Guinea Creek
except the Mill seat, also two negroes named Ben & Polley, one good Feather Bed and furniture, a young Sorrel mare and
a good side Saddle, also two good Cows & Calves two sows and pigs and six Sheep, also one dozen pewter plates one dish
and two Basons, one dozen knives and forks to her and her Heirs forever.
I give and bequeath unto my Grand daughter Betsey Price two negroes named Frank and Tamer one Horse and Saddle one good
feather bed & furniture and such other furniture as I have given to my children now surviving, to her and her Heirs forever.
I give and bequeath to my daughter Sally Walton four negroes, named Hannah, Cilia, Abby, and Rachel, with their increase
to her and her heirs forever. Also my Will and desire is that a bond which I have now in my possession from my son in law
William Walton, be hereafter void and of no effect also I give to my daughter Sally the same quantity of sheep & hoggs
already given to my daughter Betsey.
I give and bequeath to my son Charles after my wifes death the tract of land that I now reside on the south side of Great
Guinea Creek with all the appertenances thereunto,belonging including my Grist Mill & still, also two negroes named Archer
& Vilet also such other Stock & furniture already given to my daughter Betsey also my Will & desire is that my
son Charles shall have the privilege to settle any where or on any part of my land that he thinks fit on the south side of
Great Guinea Creek.
Also my will and desire is that if any my children should depart this life without leaving Heirs of their body lawfully
begotten that the legacy given them shall return into my Estate and be equally divided among my surviving children.
My Will and desire is that if my Grand daughter Betsey Price should depart this life without leaving Heirs of her body
lawfully begotten that the legacys given to her return into my Estate and be equally divided among my surving children also
my will and desire is that my grand daughter Betsey Price be educated out of the profits of my Estate.
My further Will and desire is that after the death of my Wife all the remaining slaves, stock, Household & Kitchen
furniture and every part and parcel of my property, that is not, before given be divided into lotteries as near of Value as
possible, and that my children and grand daughter Betsy Price draw for the same and if either gets a lott more valuable than
another that they refund such a sum ashall make up the others equal thereunto so that in every respect there be an equal division
amongst then or their Heirs. My will and desire is that if the land I have devised to my daughter Betsey should be so cut
down, or otherwise injured that it is worth less than four hundred pounds of the present currency that the deficiency be made
up to my daughter Betsey, before the last division of my Estate take place. Lastly I nominate and appoint my beloved wife
Anna Womack and my son Charles Womack my Executrix and Executor of this my last
will and testament and my desire is that my Estate be not appraised, and I do hereby revoke all other wills made before by
me either Verbal or Written, In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal this Twenty fifth day of January one
thousand seven hundred and ninety nine;
/s/ Nathan Womack
Signed sealed & delivered
in presence of
Ben Allen Senr.
Sherwood Fowler
James Roper
At a Court held for Cumberland County the 25th day of March 1799. This last will & testament of Nathan Womack decd.' was exhibited in Court by Anna Womack and Charles Womack the Executors therein named and proved by Sherwood Fowler
and James Roper two of the Witnesses thereunto & ordrd to be Recorded, and on the motion of the said Anna & Charles
who made oath according to law certificate is granted them for obtaining a probat thereof in due form on giving security whereupon
they with Pichard Gordon & Charles Lee their securities entered into bond conditioned according to law.
Teste Ts.(?) Woodson, D. C.
At a Court held for said County the 27th day of May 1799 - The same was further proved by Ben Allen a third witness thereto.
Teste Ts.(?) Woodson, D. C."
This concludes the Womack wills
and administrations as listed in Torrence's VIRGINIA WILLS AND ADMINISTRATIONS, 1632-1800.
This issue concludes the third year of publishing WOMACK GENEALOGY. Untangling the early generations of the Womack family is a gigantic undertaking, and the cooperation and support of all interested persons is
needed. Renew your subscription to WG and tell all your Womack relatives and acquaintances about WOMACK GENEALOGY.
•Dec. 31, 1789; John Foulden & Mary Womack, dt Sarah; Thomas Carver, Surety; Married by Nathaniel Shrewsbury,
Jan. 7, 1790. •Feb. 27, 1790; Jacob Mayberry & Rody Womax; David Mayberry, Surety; Married by Nathaniel Shrewsbury,
March 4, 1790. •Sep. 4, 1792; Edward Hancock & Sarah Womack; John Folden, Surety; Consent signed by Edw. Hancock,
Sarah Womack, Salley Daniel Womack and Anna Womack. •Mar. 11, 1794; Abraham Mayberry & Ann Womax, dt Sarah;
Jacob Mayberry, Surety; Married by James Turner, March 13, 1794. •Dec. 2, 1794; Richard Brown & Sarah Womax;
John Folden, Surety; Consent of Sarah Hancock, mother of Sarah; Married by James Turner, Dec. 4, 1794. •Oct. 28,
1797; William Womack & Rachel Gilpin; Francis G. Gilpin, Surety; Married by James Turner, Nov. 3, 1797. •Jan. 4,
1830; Achillis Womack & Polly Bowyer; Adam Bowyer, Surety. •Oct. 18, 1834; Reason G. Burson & Julia B. Womack,
dt Nancy; Jesse Womack, Surety; Married by William Harris, Oct. 21, 1834. •Aug. 30,1841; Allen Womack & Sarah
Nowlin, dt Samuel; John Nelson, Surety. •Oct. 27,1845; Burwell G. Gilpin & Nancy Jane Womack, dt Nancy; Edmund
Womack, Surety; Married by James Leftwich, Nov. 13, 1845. •Dec. 23, 1847; William H. Johnson & Molissa Womack,
dt Nancy; Edmund Womack, Surety; Married by Thomas C. Goggin, Dec. 26, 1847. •Dec. 10, 1850; Edmund Womack &
Sarah F. Smith; Theophilus C.Scruggs, Surety; Consent of T. C. Scruggs; Married by F. M. Barker, Dec. 10,1850. |
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